Chapter 9: Goddess with Honor

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~Emily's POV. November 7th, 2020~

My phone began to vibrate on my desk, I paused the video I was watching before picking it up and answering.

"Pear! Come outside, you bum!" Donte shouted through the phone, I quickly moved the phone away from my ear.

"Why?" I groaned as I brought my phone back to my ear.

"Because we wanna hang out, that's why." Keenan said.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up.

"Fine, I'll be down in a minute." I hung up before they could say anything else.

Sliding my phone into my pocket, I quickly sprayed on some cologne before leaving my room and going downstairs.

"Hey, am I good to go out for a bit?" I asked my dad.

"With who and where?" He questioned.

"Donte and Keenan, they're literally outside." I gestured to the front door.

He thought about it, then sighed. "Fine, just come home before it's dark out," He told me.

I nodded, then put my shoes on. "Will do!" I said before running out the front door.

As I walked up to the gate, I saw Donte and Keenan sitting on the green box.

"Finally!" Donte shouted, I rolled my eyes as I walked over to them.

"So, what do you want?" I questioned as I folded my arms.

"To hang out. I already said this," Donte said.

"Okay. Where?" I asked.

They looked at each other, meaning they didn't know.

"How about the park?" Keenan suggested.

Donte and I nodded in agreement.

We began walking over when I felt something lightly hit my leg. I glanced down only to realize that my shoe was untied. I did leave pretty quickly, so wasn't that surprising.

"You guys, go on ahead, I just need to tie my shoe," I told the two.

"Ok, fine," Donte said before they walked ahead.

Crouching down, I began to tie my shoe while cleaning some dirt off. Once I stood up, I moved some hair from my face before starting to walk over to the park when I heard a vehicle screech to a stop behind me. I turned around fast to see a black van, the sliding doors open, then a bunch of guards surrounded me.

A guard began running towards me with an arm reaching out. That was his second mistake, the first was charging at me. I grabbed onto his arm then flung him over my shoulder, hitting the concrete with a small crack coming from his back.

Two more began to rush at me, I lifted the guy I was holding onto by his wrist, then with a bunch of strength, I threw him at the two guards. They collapsed to the ground with a thud.

Suddenly, I was harshly pulled back by the hood of my sweater. Pain flooded my body as I hit the ground, the remaining guards held me down, so I couldn't move. A man with blond hair emerged from the van with another glowing needle and began walking towards me.

I started to struggle against them as one of the guards pulled up my sleeve on my right arm. The man placed the needle into my arm and pushed down on the plunger. He removed the needle and slid something into my pocket, then he stood up and returned to the van.

The rest of the guards let go of me as I let out an ear-piercing scream, so loud, that you could probably hear me from outside the complex.

From my blurry vision, I could barely see the figures next to me, but I couldn't hear what was being said because everything was muffled. I slowly began losing consciousness, then I felt my body being lifted up slightly... I blacked out.

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