Did you miss me?

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Ingredients. Parts. Materials. Elements. These are all similar ways to describe the things that formulate something greater. Perhaps the traits that make up a person. Or maybe the inner circuitry that powers a complex thinking machine. Or again, the ingredients. Specifically, ingredients to a delicious treat. More specifically, the ingredients to a certain dough-ey item. A girl, wearing all black and red pops her head over a wooden counter and observes these ingredients that stand before her.

Ruby: Oooh, yeah!!

She excitedly picks up an egg and taps it against a large red bowl. The egg, however, does not break. In fact, it doesn't even crack. She repeatedly taps the egg against the bowl in a frustrated manner until she looses her patience.

Ruby: GAAH!!

She yells as she jumps into the air and throws the egg into the bowl, shattering it entirely. She looks up with an annoyed look on her face.

Moments later, she stands atop the counter, attempting to pour some flour into the bowl. She turns the bag all the way upside down, as no flour is pouring out. Well, at least, until it did. She screams as the entire kitchen is covered in a white coating.

Some more time passes, and she picks up a nearby bag of chocolate chips. She picks a single chip out of the bag and stares at it before engulfing it. She lets a few seconds pass before she begins eating them by the handful.

(The door opens)

A boy walks in carrying a few books and wearing an apron. He looks up and is immediately shocked at what he sees.

(Y/N): What the- RUBY!

The girl lays down on the counter, looking hypnotized as the chocolate chips pour into her mouth from the bag. The boy rushes up to knock it out of her hands. She coughs for a few seconds before regaining awareness of her surroundings.

Ruby: Ugh... (Y/N)? what happened?

(Y/N): You were just eating those chocolate chips but it seems like you have no memory of doing it. I was worried! I thought you were gonna choke or something!

Ruby: Well, It's not my fault that they tasted so good!

(Y/N): Didn't I tell you to wait here for me while I borrowed these books and this apron from Ren?

Ruby: Yeah. But I got bored! What did you want me to do?

(Y/N): I... (sighs) look at us. Bickering like an old couple. This is the dynamic I keep talking about. I'm telling you. It's like we're missing something.

Ruby: (Y/N), I... stop. You know I have a boyfriend. And you're always preaching about loyalty. Why can't you take your own adivce?

(Y/N): I... yeah. You're right. I'm sorry.

The two stand in an awkward silence for a few seconds before (Y/N) speaks up.

(Y/N): Can we just get back to making these cookies?

Ruby: I guess.

(Y/N): Ruby, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean-

His sentence gets cut off as another boy enters the room.

Bryan: Hey everyone. How are things going in here? Any crazy adventures or hijinks?

Ruby: Hey Bry!

Bryan: Hey rosebud!

He looks over at (Y/N) and smirks.

Bryan: (Y/N).

(Y/N) gives him a cold stare, standing behind Ruby so she doesn't notice the obvious tension in the room.

(Y/N): Bryan.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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