New Neighbours

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A/n: Thank you so much for accepting the request to be in my story. I really appreciate it.Sorry if I couldn't find a picture to suit your liking. I tried my best. Enjoy!


I went to pick Ryder up from swim practice. When I got to the school he was in the parking lot talking to a girl that looked like his age. So I sat and waited until I heard a knock on the car window. A young lady stood there in the pouring rain. When did it start raining?

Being a good person I opened the door and allowed her to come in.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea. Thank you. I was just waiting on my little sisters and it started raining. I wanted to ask you if that was your brother." She explained.

I laughed a little at her question. "No it's my son. And speaking of where is he?"

We looked around and didn't see them.

"I need to go look for my sisters," she stated.

"Here you go," I said handing her one of the umbrellas in the car while taking one for myself. We got out of the car and went inside the school.

"Would it be too much of a trouble if you could..maybe give us a ride home..please?" She asked kindly.

"No problem at all,"I said smiling while looking around for the kids.

"Thank you so much. By the way I'm Amelia."

"I'm Kamilia...There they are,"I pointed out.

Standing at the end of the corridor was two teen girls and Ryder. Amelia walked up to them and dragged them by the ears scolding them for being so far. I basically did the same to Ryder.

Walking back I observed the girls. The one that Ryder was talking to was short about 5 feet, African American, had thick natural curly hair, light brown eyes and a nose ring. The other girl had brown hair, brown eyes, wears glasses. She even looked a bit taller than the girl Ryder was talking to but she still looked younger.

On our way home Amelia and I struck up conversation. Turns out she's eighteen and about to go to college but she doesn't work because her parents think it's better for her  to focus on her education. She has two younger sisters. The one that Ryder was talking to is named Michelle and she's sixteen. Her other sister is named Tanaia and she's fifteen.

It was obvious that Ryder was crushing on Michelle because when we dropped them at their house she kissed his cheek and he blushed so hard it reached his ears.

When we got home there was a bunch of children running around. What the actual hell?

I found Luca in the kitchen with three other guys and beers in their hands. He looked up and saw my confusion and got up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Guys this is my beautiful wife Kamilia.Baby these are our new neighbours Christian, Jace and Jude. "

"Hey,"they said waving as I did the same.

"Their wives are in the living room. Why don't you go introduce yourself?" He suggested.

"Ok sure," I said. It can't hurt to meet new neighbours.

I pecked Luca on the lips and bypassed all the little kids in the hall before entering the living room.  There were three women sitting down and chatting.

"Hello, " Their heads snapped up at the sound of my voice. They smiled and introduced themselves to me. There was Essence who is twenty - three years old. She had five year old quadruplets and is married to Christian who's Spanish. Mariah who's the same age as me (26), she had three children;A fifteen year old named Brayden, a four year old named Madalynn and an eight year old named Blaze.She is married to Jace.  Finally there was Ama, married to Jude,  who had a four year old daughter named Eloise and six month old twin boys named Elijah and Elisha.

We sat and just enjoyed each other's company playing with the kids once in a while. By the time it was eight pm everyone left and it was back to our peaceful humble abode.

Ohana ♥Interracial♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora