A New Addition

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"So, let me get this right,you decided to foster a child,not that there is anything wrong with doing that but you made a huge decision without me."Luca began.


"What happened to telling each other everything and keeping no secrets or lies?" He cut me off.

"But you-" I tried again but got interrupted.

"Save it!"

        I watched his retreating back as he entered the bedroom and slammed the door.

        "I'm sorry," a small voice whispered. I turned around and came face to face with a regretful Ryder. "Maybe you should send me back,since I am causing problems." I could tell he really thouht this was his fault.

     "Ryder, look at me, you aren't going anywhere, even if you want to, you are stuck with us until you are old enough to make your own decisions." I made him aware that he is at fault for the situation at hand.

         After getting Ryder settled in and kissing my babies goodnight I made my way into the master bedroom to apologize. "Lukey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I'm sorry I didn't call you, I'm sorry I made a huge decision without you, but you have to understand, I was in a time crunch and I forgot and-" Luca cut me off with a kiss. "It's okay I understand, you're an overgenerous person but that's what I love about you anyway.Your heart is very kind and you don't discriminate and it makes you a lovely person and I can't be mad at you for that. We will give him a lovely home here and treat him like our own." We cuddled and soon drifted off to sleep.

The Next Morning

I walked into the kitchen to see Luca and Ryder having a conversation. There was a smile on Ryder's face and I could tell he was genuinely happy.Cries erupted from the baby monitor that was seated on the counter and Luca got up to attend Lu-Lu.He then noticed my presence and me a sweet smile.That was all I needed to tell it was a good morning.I acknowledge Ryder before beginning breakfast.


"Can you swim?"Brielle asked Ryder during breakfast.They surprizingly took the news about Ryder well and were glad to have a 'big brother'."Yes, my parents taught me when i was 10, a couple of months before they died." He replied sweetly.

"Ryder -"

"No it's okay" he cut me off.

"Ok Ry but anytime you want to talk you know where to find me."He nodded accepting my offer.

"Ok bye kids,love you." I said kissing Ay, Bri and Lu-Lu goodbye. I blew Luca a kiss and wished Ryder a good day. I then headed out for work, feeling genuinely amazing for saving and taking that child into my care. A new addition to my family.
Dedicated to Briggyboo, ShortyB123. 

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