The Baroness of Beheadings

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All of Renfri's men lay scattered, some whole, others dismembered across the market. The two didn't have time to process as Marilka let out a shrill scream. "POLLUX! GERALT! NO!"

The two turned to face the sound. Renfri was dragging Marilka into the light, a dagger held to the girls neck. Her eyebrows quirked and her lips drew into a smirk. "You chose."

"Let the girl go, Renfri." Pollux said, wiping blood from her brow bone.

"Ill kill her.Ill kill everyone here until Stregobor comes down."

Geralt waved his hand a bit, attempting to charm Renfri. "Leave Blaviken. Its not to late."

"Magic doesnt work on me." Renfri snarled. "Silver does though."

"Silver is for monsters." Geralt acknowledged. Renfri tossed Marilka aside, drawing her sword.

Pollux ran to Marilka. She grabbed the girls hand and ran from the scene. Once Marilka was a safe distance away, Pollux stopped. She kneeled and looked the girl in the eyes. "I am so sorry that you have been dragged into this. I am sorry that you have seen these things. You do not deserve it. Please be safe, Marilka."

Marilka nodded with tears in her eyes. "And you as well, Pollux of Temeria."

The two shared a quick embrace before Pollux sprinted back to Geralt, who was locked in raging combat with Renfri. She watched as she approached the scene. Geralt had managed the upper hand Renfri had managed to knock him in the head with the hilt of her sword. "NO." Pollux shouted, once again launching a spear to stop the attack. 

Renfri's neck snapped towards Pollux. Yelling she charged at the witcher. Pollux pulled her swords out and perried Renfri's attacks. They fought feircely. Pollux had one sword at Renfri's throat and another at the back of her neck. Renfri stared angrily, panting from the fight. The two stared at eachother neither willing to relent. Pollux had not even scene the small knife Renfri held in her hand. Renfri slammed it up into Pollux's left side. The witcher cried out and was unable to deflect the second jab to the back of her shoulder. 

However on the third advance, Renfri foolishly made a swipe for Pollux's neck. To which the witcher easily snatched the blade and plunged it hilt deep into the princesses neck. Renfri gasped. Defeated. Pollux slowly lowered her to the ground. Geralt held out his hand that held her spear. She took it, sheathing all of her weapons. Geralt kneeled down to the gasping Renfri. She whispered something to him before her eyes went blank. 

When he stood, he looked back to Pollux, who seemed distraught. She wavered in her stance, knees trembling, and hands shaking. She glanced up at Geralt warily, before she could speak, her eyes rolled back in her head and she began to fall. Geralt ran to her, catching her in one arm. 

"Incredible. Marilka? Marilka. Get me a cart, we'll take her to the tower for an autopsy." Stregobor said devilishly.

"If you touch a single hair on her head yours will be on the ground next." Geralt said holding the sword in his free arm up to the sorcerers neck.

"Have you gone mad? Her mutation, it influences people. That is how she got these men to follow her. We need to take it. She's nearly killed your partner." Stregobor muses reaching out to Pollux's paling face.

"Do not touch her. Do not touch Renfri."

"Witchers. You both have butchered bodies in the streets of Blaviken." Stregobor cried out so the town could hear.

The towns folk began to curse at him, throwing stones, and telling him to leave. Geralt shields Pollux from the brunt of the stones. He looks up to see Marilka with tears in her eyes. She looked at him reluctantly before softly saying "Get out of Blaviken, Geralt. Do not ever come back."

Pollux of TemeriaWhere stories live. Discover now