part 1

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Marinettes life was normal...key word normal. Everything started going downhill once Lila Rossi came to the school.A manipulative lying bitch is all marinette could use describe lila. She made her life living hell spreading lies about marinette and what makes it even worse was that her class mates believed it after everything marinette has done for them to protect and help them with so much they believe a stupid ass liar that's what pained marinette the most. well she's off to her shit hole of a school now. "well well well if it isnt mari trash" of course alya was the first one to say something and a new nickname wow. "what did i do this time alya?" "what did you do?! you know exactly what the hell you did" "well sorry to break it to you alya i don't know what i did this time because its always something new with lilas lies" wow i was suprised i had that in me i wouldve been crying if she said that to me a few months ago. "one, lila isnt a damn liar look over there shes crying right now because of what you did" oh of course lilas famous fake tears. "two you decided it would be a nice idea to send lila mean massages telling her that shes worthless and shouldnt be here" well one i didnt even text her i wouldnt want to be in any contact with that rat. in response to what alya said i just rolled my eyes and walked to class. Out seats moved so lila could of course sit with adrien due to a "sickness" she had of course adrien also believes lilas lies i thought he knew better and would be in my side but i guess i was wrong and before you ask no i dont like him any more no after he turned into the piece of shit he is now. But with the seat arrangements nino sits next to alya now and im in the back all alone cause once one person can move so can everyone else and they all decided they hate me so they choose not to be any where near me. lila had them wrapped around her finger. i guess i was walking slow enough that alya was able to catch up with me just as i was waking up to my seat once i fell everyone bursted in to laughs i heard many l "HAHA THATS WHAT YOU DESERVE BULLY" and "THATS WHAT YOU GET BITCH" going around the class room. i just got up and sat in my seat stopping my self from saying something i know ill regret. They kept throwing slight insults but i still ignored them i didnt feel like crying well that was until i saw adrien walk in my ex crush i was in love with him i imagined my future with him then he just turns on me. When he walked in i saw the disappointed look on his face it made me want to melt away in a bad way i dont wanna be here it hurts knowing he didnt believe me and he believed that stuck up lying bitch and before i knew it there was tears running down my face. I decided to exit the class room not looking any anyone of them on my way out. I just walked out of the school not caring what anyone said and headed home once i got there i bursted into tears i couldnt hold them in anymore.I guess my parents saw and ran up to me asking what was wrong. I explained the entire situation from start to finish. They thankfully believed me and said i can take the day off while they discuss it privately. I headed up to my room and flopped onto my bed trying not to think about them i went to netflix and started watching a show i don't t have to worry about them texting me because either i had them blocked or they had me blocked which im fine with i dont care about them any more they all had the audacity to believe a stupid bitch who doesnt even have evidence for her lies. A few hours later my parents called me down to talk to me. "ok seeetheart so we decided its best if you switch schools and before you freak out a few weeks ago we noticed a change with you you turned more cold and sad so we suspected that something at school was going on so we enrolled you into École des Beaux-Arts" hold up what i just stood there shocked thats one of the hardest schools to get into especially in the middle of the first semester. "OMG REALLY!" "yes honey of course" "wait did i get accepted?" "we got a letter from the school today and we wanted to wait till you got home to open it and i guess today is the perfect day to open it" they handed me the letter and i opened it and started reading it.

Dear Mlle Dupain-Cheng

We saw your application to come to our school we were slightly concerned on why you decided to join mid semester, but once we saw you work we were absolutely amazed by you work. We gladly accept you into our school please come about 30 minutes early next monday when you start coming to the school so you can get a tour and all the stuff needed to start.

sincerely École des Beaux-Arts

once i read that i was so happy i just got accepted into my dream school! "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUU!" "you welcome sweetie you start on Monday since it's Friday you have all weekend to prepare." i thanked them again then headed up to my room i wish i had some one to tell this about but i am so excided i just got accepted into my dream school, a school where so many of my favorite designers went to! oh i'm so excided!!

hey this a  new fan fic i'll also be doing it is a felinette one so if you don't like that respectfully leave <3

word count:1043

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