part 2

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It's finally the weekend i'm so excided i get to go to a new school! no more toxic bitches in my life. no more lila and lies. it's going to be amazing i'm so excided i'm also glad i don't have to tell anyone what school i'm going to so no one will know where i'm at. it's like a new start. hopefully i'll be able to make some friends there,good friend who will actually believe me no matter what. "marinette come downstairs for dinner!" "ok mom coming!" i walked downstairs to go see what she made. "ooo my favorite spaghetti!" "yep! are you excided to go to your new school?" i heard my dad ask that and my face lit up with a smile i havnt smiled a genuine smile in a while it felt nice for it to be real. "yep i'm so excided! it's like a new start with to annoying ass liars." "we're happy for you but watch your language missy." oops i forgot to turn of my cursing mode. "sorry mamma" "it's ok but dinners ready now dig in." after we after dinner we talked a little more and then i headed up to my room. i was able to re decorate it about a month ago so it fits me a lot better more only 1 pink wall and it's a lot lighter more like a seashell pink and the rest are white. i don't have my loft bed anymore but i have a ladder that leads to my balcony so i can still go up there though but i have a king sized bed with seashell pink comforter and pillows. there's also a desk with my computer all my designing stuff that i had before and a tv. we even connected the guest bathroom to my room so it's now my bathroom but over all i love it it suites me so much more. i went to the bathroom to go take a shower. i picked out some silky white pajama shorts and button up shirt set. after my shower i put on a random show to continue watching on netflix. the weekend went by cert quickly it's now saturday night i picked out my outfit for the next day i choose a light ping dress the went just above my knees it was plain but the skirt has a slight poof. I paired it with a white cardigan and white flats. i picked out some jewelry to wear. with that i took a quick shower and went to bed. the next morning o actually woke up to my alarm for once well more like the 5 alarms i set its 6:45 i had to wake up early so i can get to the school by about 7:30 so i'm there about 30 minutes weekly like the letter said. I quickly got up and on the outfit i picked out the day before. i decided to leave my hair down for that day and honestly it looked really good i might start leaving it down more often. Once i was all dressed and ready i walked downstairs to have a quick breakfast before heading off to school i had to take the subway because it was farther then my old school so i couldn't just walk there. Once i got there i was immediately greeted my the principal. "hello! you must be Marinette Dupain-Cheng." "yes it's lovely to meet you." she seems really nice a lot better then my old principal. "we'll come inside and follow me i'll give you all the papers you need and then one of our top students will give you a tour of the school." with that we started waking inside. it's so much bigger than my old school a lot better decorated too it looks amazing!. "woah the school looks amazing!" "thank you. well here're all the papers you need this includes you schdule a list of our programs out school offers and a map of the school just incase." "thank you so much!" i'm so excided to be here. I saw another student walt towards us he has blonde hair that's fixed in a proper way and is wearing a formal outfit. "ahh hello there felix this is the new student Marinette Dupain-Cheng." he nodded in response "Marinette this is Felix Graham De Vanily one of the best students at our school." "Nice to meet you felix" i said as i held out a hand for him to shake. He returned the gesture and said "it's nice to meet you too marinette." "well i'll let you two go on with the tour have fun!" after that me and felix started waking. it was a pretty uncomfortable silence until he spoke up. "not that's it's any of my business but what made you come to this school in the middle of the semester?" "oh well it's kinda complicated but long story short there was this girl at school who was spreading lies about me. i never knew what they were but it imparently was bad enough to turn basically the whole school against me. but anyways i decided i have had enough and my parents suggested well more told me that i was switching school which lead me here." he was silent for a minute probably taking in everything i said. "oh." "yeah it was a terrible place to be honest so i'm glad i don't go there any more ." "that's good. let's continue on with the tour shall we." once we finished the tour school was about to start there was a few other students starting at me probably because i'm new and it's weird seeing a new kid show up in the middle of the semester but anyways felix took me to my first class since we had it together once i got to class the teacher introduced me to everyone else and showed me where my seat was. the classes are amazing the teachers have a good mix of strict and nice. Lunch rolled around and i saw felix already there sitting at a table. "is it ok if i sit here?" he just nods his head and goes back to reading his book. with that i started eating some of the food i brought from the bakery and then i saw a 2 people waking up to the table. " hey your the new girl right?" "yep" "well hello i'm Tikki and this is Plagg nice to meet you." "hello i'm marinette" "i'm suprised felix let another person sit by him" i heard Plagg say with a sligh chuckle. Felix just rolled his eyes and focused his attention back to his book. me and felixs friends talked the whole lunch period their really sweet. "you know what marinette your amazing and i am adopting you." i heard Tikki say i was a bit confused but i caught on and chuckled. "yeah we claim you as ours." Plagg said. then i heard felix speak up. "you guys can't just claim people you know that right". "yeah but she's awesome we don't want anyone hurting her." " it's ok guys i'm fine with it plus i don't think anyone can hurt me badly anymore after how i was treated at me old school it was so toxic there." "woah what happened there?" i explained the whole situation to them and they were in shock. " how could anyone believe a stupid ass liar! i am so sorry you deserve better." i heard Tikki say as she brought me into a hug. "yeah it must have sucked there i'm glad you left they seem like complete dickheads." "well they were honestly but that in the past their out of my life now and i'm happier now." "well always be here to protect you from those bitches from now on." " thank you guys it's glad to see people having my side on this." after lunch we headed off to our next classes before we left school we all exchanged numbers. felix is pretty quite and like to keep stuff more to himself and acts quite cold towards others i was surprised he gave me his well they more forced him but anyways it was a good first day. Once i got home my parents asked about my day they were happy to see me making be friends that were actually good and you know what i'm really happy about it too.

and here's chapter 2 besties i hope you like it as always sorry for any spelling mistakes <3

word count:1440

author out<3

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