Glowing ocean

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( hi guys, sorry this chapter came late in having a bit of a hard time writing this story, I'm gonna update as much as possible! But till new chapters of this story come out please read my other stories!)

Keith pov)
I woke up laughing, I lifted my head away from Lance's chest, and realized it was just the tv, I looked around and notice the time was 7:00 pm.  Wonderful if we keep sleeping like this we will be night owls, and I do not want to be a night owl!

I gently shook lance awake "lance! It's getting late we need to wake up, and eat!" he grunted and wrapped his arms around me tighter, I felt a blush coming on,  if he doesn't want to wake up I'll have to pinch him awake!!!

I wiggled my arms out of his grasp to where his arms were wrapped around my waist, I then punched him hard on his arms. "Ow!! Stop it!! I'm up!" I snickered  "why did you do that?!"  I gave lance a smug grin "you wouldn't listen so I took matters further, and  look how you're up!"

Lance grumbled making it clear he was annoyed, stomach growled loudly, and so did lance. Lance got up and went over to his bag, and pulled out two bags of blood, and tossed one to me. "Thanks"
"Mhmm" we sat on the bed sipping on our blood as we watched tv, it was kinda relaxing but now I couldn't wait for the sun to rise again,  I'm bored sitting, and just watching tv.    "Wanna go to the beach?" lance asked "sure! It will be better than just sitting here, and waiting for the sun to rise!"

We went out of our hotel room grabbing our keys in the process so we wouldn't be locked out of our room when we wanted to go back.  When we finally reached the beach the water was glowing luminance blue,  it was so beautiful it almost looked like they were stars.  Lance grabbed my hand and we carefully walked into the glowing water, it caused our faces to be covered in blue tone shades.  Lance was looking into my eyes, I began to blush but I don't think he could see it because of the glowing blue light.  I splashed lance from being embarrassed,  " hey Keith"  I looked over at lance his hair was now dripping with water from the moment before "what?" lance pulled me into the water, we were now swimming in brightly lit waters. "Why are we in the water?" I asked confused, my hair is now wet and both of our clothing is soaked.  Lance pulled me down underneath the surface of the water.  He pulled me closer to him and planted a kiss on my lips.  I kissed him back and we swam back up to the surface, so we could breathe again. 

(Imagine they are kissing)

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(Imagine they are kissing)

"You're so goofy," I said laughing, lance began to laugh as well, we swam back to the land and laid down in the cool sand, that's when I had an idea to do it later. As I was thinking about my amazing plan the sun started to rise. Lance stood up and offered his hand to me "milady" I glared at him and took his hand "who are you calling lady?" "would you like Princess? , my prince, lovely? or Mullet by chance?" I glared at him and punched him in the arm "ow! It was a joke!" I rolled my eyes again and we began to walk back to the hotel, our clothes were still soaked.

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