Chapter 1

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Sunlight coated the streets, washing over everything with its warmth and painting alleys in shadows. Water dripped off of the slanted roofs into puddles or barrels. Busted glass and twisted metal laid pressed to the base of houses where plywood covered most of the windows. And those windows that weren't boarded and padded with phone books had metal bars bolted across.

I drew my bottom lip between my teeth as I twisted the pin. My fingers moved like they were supposed to, quickly and carefully with not too much force, so why was- The lock clicked. I breathed out and slid the picks back into my pocket. Pushing the handle down, I pushed on the door. It stuck. My hip hit the door, and knocked it free from the warped frame. Rusted hinges creaked, squealing like a monster stuck in a trap. I pressed my lips together. Hopefully no one heard that.

I didn't know why I was worried. No one cared about break-ins, not in Gotham. The only ones who might've taken it upon themselves to intervene were the ten decent cops, Batman, and Robin. And Batman and Robin were far more likely to deal with a drug ring in the middle of the night than a midday break in.

"Mom, I'm home," I said, dropping my bag to the side. I kicked the door closed with my heel. As I bent to take off my shoes, hard soles hit tile, and two hands plopped onto my shoulders.

"Well, I hope I'm getting something for Mother's Day then."

"Hope you like scrunchies."

"Is that really how you're going to greet me?" Dad squeezed my shoulders before dropping his hands. "I see how it is. Always the second choice." He hummed. "You didn't flinch."

He moved away. I turned, only to be met with the view of him digging around in the cupboard. Pans rattled and rang out with sharp clangs, until Dad slid out the one he was searching for.

"What are we having?" I asked.

"The souls of Batman and Robin."

"Are you at least not going to explode the macaroni this time?'

"You'll be blown away with how much better at cooking I've gotten."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a box of macaroni for him. What he meant by him cooking, was meant to be heard as using me for everything aside from stirring in the cheese powder. Water gushed into the pan, and within only a few seconds it started to boil.

"Hey, Mr J? I brought- Percy!" Mom's sudden appearance startled me, causing me to drop my hold on the water. It wasn't easy to get it back either. Mom swept me into a hug, cradling my head against her bloodsoaked shoulder. Being held like I was, it was almost too easy to ignore the bound and gagged man discarded on the floor.

"Please tell me this is torture and then murder, and not a kink thing," I mumbled.

"He owed us money and refused to pay," said Dad. The stovetop clicked on. "Luckily he's pretty high on the ladder, so a few stabs and maybe a crowbar and we should be good for the next couple weeks."

Mom released me and grabbed the man's ankle. She dragged him towards the basement steps. I winced as I heard the thud-thud of a skull hitting wood. I wiped the blood from my cheek and turned back to Dad. He looked at me, face unusually grim, void of the smile he so often wore. A quick glance at the pot, two steps, and then I was wrapped in his arms.

"You worried us." He rested his chin on my head. "You disappeared and we had no idea what happened."


"Don't apologize. Just- Just don't do it again."

"Trust me, I'm not planning on that again." My fingers curled at the thought. I sighed. As much as I would have liked to ignore everything about the situation and lay on the couch with Mom and Dad, I couldn't. It would have been easier if there wasn't a man getting tied to the chair in the basement, but even if there wasn't there would have been something else. There always was. "How many?"

Two Sides of the Same Coin (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now