4• The Golden Egg 🐣

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Once upon a time long ago
A man had a duck with him,
He fed her and provided her shelter
She was still very weak and slim.

She gave few eggs but rarely
Making the man get very angry,
But once to his surprise, she made

Him curious more than he could be.

The only egg she played was
Made of precious and pure gold,
It was a real treasure found he can
Get anything if the egg was sold

He waited till the next time
And again she laid the same,
Now the man grew greedy
Oh! It's s such a shame.

So he pierced her into pieces
Looking for gold inside her,
But the man was so unlucky
That he greedily did the murder.

He got nothing and even lost
The way to get the eggs of gold,
It shows that we should be satisfied
With whatever our fate holds.


Writer's Note

Hey reader,
This was a short one, but still very meaningful.

Vote my ballad if it deserves that and swipe up to explore the whole lot of happiness and memories that's awaiting you!!


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