Chapter 1

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The bell rings signalling the end of the day. Finally I think to myself. Shitty Hair and Racoon Eyes walk up to my desk and wait until I pack my stuff and get ready to leave. We walk out of the classroom towards our homes. I'm walking slightly in front of the two when I see a huge crowd in front of the school.

The only way I can describe the front of my school is chaos. At LEAST ten pro heroes stand in front of me blocking my way home. I couldn't really care less about what's happening, only mildly annoyed at the delay in my schedule, until a loud boom and a surge of power hits the group of yelling pros.

The first thing I notice is that my original estimate of about ten pros was horribly misguided as the entire UA staff is here with a few D list extras. The second is that they are surrounding what appears to be a black sphere made of who fucking knows.

The third and most important thing to note is that I know who's fugly circle that is.

"Shitty hair watch my shit!" I yell at my confused and slightly panicked frien- I mean extra!

"IZU!" My desperate voice rings out as I run to the blob of darkness, ignoring Shitty Hair and all the other extras yelling at me to stop.

Heroes try to stop my advance but I just explode their asses to the moon. There is no fucking extra in the world who had the skills or the respect needed to make me stop.

Kneeling next to the black blob I start mumbling incoherently at it hoping Izuku can hear me and wants to talk to me. A hand shoots out, grabs my arm and pulls me in. Score!

I crash to the floor of the soft non stick gloop. It takes a second for me to get my bearings in the darkness but once I do feel around for the friend no one has seen or heard from in over four years. Sitting in complete darkness after giving up all I can hear is light mumbling.

"Find Kacchan..... Kacchan.... I found him.. Kacchan. Kacchan, back to Kacchan. Found him. UA has Kacchan he's there they know where he is. Kacchan. They lied.... had him, hurt him. Kacchan kacchan kacch" He mutters to himself over and over, while running his hands over my face and shoulders, checking for injuries I suppose.

"Oi, useless nerd. Its fine I'm here, no one hurt me or lied to you." I interrupt his mumbling.

I need to make him listen and calm down. The heroes outside are probably trying to break in and arrest the nerd, but I don't think he understands what's happening. If they try to separate us he may do something we'll both regret.

"Izu do you think you could let down the curtain? I want you to meet my friends and a couple heroes but your frightening them. You want them to like you right?" I need them to see how harmless he is. The only way to do that is by making him let down the curtain. There is no doubt in my mind that the thirteen year old sitting in front of me is a terrified mess.

It take a little more talking and a pat on the shoulder to wake him up from the terror induced trance.

The first think Izuku does after realizing he has me is burst into tears and drop the black surrounding us. All at once the sound of the UA staff, now thirty D lister extras, my friends, ten police officers and my angry ass mom yelling and attempting to get past Izu's quirk, assaults our ears causing Izu to become more terrified then he already is.

The small boy in my arms clutches tighter onto me and cries harder, his entire body shaking with the sobs.

I see the exact second my mom realises who I'm holding. Tears pool in her eyes and she too, yells out the nickname our family has for my younger brother and the promptly runs to him in joy.

At this point the heroes and heroes in training look confused and have all stopped yelling so much. The police on the other hand are yelling and calling for a medic.

I don't know why they want a medic but if any extra tries to take my brother from me I swear to god I will end their existence.

The old hag reaches me and the nerd and brings him into a hug. I wasn't expecting this from the nerd but he screams bloody murder and kicks my mom off of him and jumps behind me trembling.

Now everyone freezes, including me.




Slowly, cautiously, I turn around to meet the terrified eyes of a boy I barely recognise.

For the first time since I ran up to him I take in his profile.

Green eyes, light dusting of freckles are the only familiar features. He has long hair that reaches halfway down his back ratty, but fluffy. It still looks as though it hasn't been brushed ever but the nerds hair had always looked like that. The difference is that it's red and brown, covered in month maybe years worth of mud and a dark sticky substance I can only assume is blood. His round chubby face has deteriorated into hollow cheeks sharp poking bones and sunken eyes. His skin is either bruised covered in dirt and blood or an open wound. His clothes are rags that hang off his skeletal body. The clothes themselves are so cut up that calling them rags are an insult to dish cloths everywhere. The skin underneath is so horribly cut up and dirty that I have to look away or throw up. So I turn my attention to his feet and see that his signature red high tops are gone and in place are cuts and gashes, tiny pieces of glass, and caked mud.

After looking at Izu's profile for a minute I reach over and pick him up bridal style. I turn around and walk in the direction of Shitty Hair and Racoon Eyes.

"Come on extras, are you just going to stand there or bring my stuff to Recovery Girls'?" I don't stop to say this nor do I wait for a reply, I just continue on my way to my new favorite hero.

Hi so this is my first book and chapter soooo.... please.don't hate too much? Idk. No one is going to read this anyway so I don't know why I'm even writing this part and oh my god please just make me shut up. Yeah, bye.

1125 words

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