Glass Woman

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Y/n's pov:

I woke up to Chris's sunlit room but no Chris, He probably let me sleep in today. I got up and walked to my room hearing the creaking of floor boards the halls being abnormally quiet due to all the workers being busy preparing for the Dacre's arrival. Instead of them I listened to the soft sounds of bird songs that could be heard near the halls windows as I walked slowly back to my room. When I arrived i pushed the door open gently wincing as the peaceful silence was broken by the creaking of the door's hinges closing it slowly behind me before putting on some play clothes and heading down to the kitchen asking the cook for a bun to snack on since I had missed breakfast. He gave me one and i thanked him then walking out to the garden and climbing a tree sitting on a higher branch enjoying the cool shade in the sunny day as I ate the soft warm bun slowly, occasionally tossing a bit to a nearby bird. When I finished I decided to go to an area of the garden me and Don didn't play in, I didn't realize before how large the area was it had tall hedges with spanish bluebells covering almost every inch. After a good amount of time wandering I realized I was lost and began to run looking for the exit tripping on a root and landing in front of an arch that would only have been seen if it had been put directly in front of you or if you were looking for it. It was made of light wood that had seemingly become part of the hedge it had a gate in the middle with a bolt driven all the way shut and rusted in place. Me and Don had found a similar door like thing in the library though we weren't brave enough to look inside, I quickly decided this most likely had a better chance of getting me out than running around aimlessly and hit the gate with my shoulder breaking the bolt off. I tumbled a bit but looked around quickly realizing that I was in a garden like the one in the books about where papa said mama had come from. It had tall trees with fruit fresh and plenty, paths of gentle and many colored stones and a pond with these beautiful large fish that Chris had told me some other kingdoms had called koi. After a minute of watching the fish i looked up and realized the pond had a fountain of a woman she looked familiar in odd ways, the fountain was made of glass except for the two vases, which were made of stone and painted shades of golds blues and reds, she was holding she was tall and wore robes and the water flowed down her shoulder into the vases and into the pond. The glass she was made of changed color elegantly in the light, after a few minutes I realized she was the the woman in my dream last night. Though I wasn't scared this time she seemed less powerful as a glass statue, I rolled up my pants to past my knees and sat on the edge of the pond letting my legs and feet rest calmly in the water. It made them tingle in a nice way but then i realized the small cuts from falling were healing and the bruises were slowly disappearing, I sat there in shock. Papa had said that a long time ago people built fountains with elixirs of life and healing flowing in them instead of water, and that the animals and plants in that garden would never stop growing and living but people had taken them down. Some people had stayed there too long and they soon realized that a certain extent of time in these gardens without break could cause someone to grow immortal and the kings that owned them quickly destroyed them fearing the wrong person would gain access to them. I got up and walked to the other side of the garden where i realized the path went inside the hedge and followed it eventually ending up by the small waterfall at the end of the stream me and Don play in. I quickly began running to the door to inside mentally taking note of where the exit was. 

Kings pov:

I was in the courtroom organizing for Chianar and his family's visit when Y/n ran in out of breath and looking shaken. I quickly stood up and walked over kneeling down to his height. "Son what is wrong? Did a mob get into the garden!?" He took a minute to control his breathing then looked up and asked "Papa what did mama look like? C-cause i think i saw her." I stood there shocked then asked him to explain. He then went on about a dream he had then about this garden he found back where him and Don don't play. I soon realized he had dreamed of one of the times his mother had held him in the nursery and sang him to sleep and that he had found her garden, which she left to him so in all fairness was all right but my poor son was more confused than I had ever seen him. I chuckled softly and sat down in my chair pulling him into my lap and explaining that his mother's kingdom before she married me was one of the last to have a fountain like that and that instead of destroying it like her parents, the king and queen, had wanted she opted to bring it here and make a safe place for herself. "When she passed we changed the fountain to instead be her holding the vases since she had enjoyed it when it was her mother she wanted you to do the same." is what i told him.

Third person pov:

Y/n spent the next few days going to the garden making it his new place to enjoy the peace, he found an old shelf with carvings of f/a(favorite animal) in the sides that he filled with his favorite books. He tied rope to a tree branch and a plank making a swing for him to play on. Each day after he'd been playing there for hours he'd come and tell his father about what he'd done. His father had one of the gardeners help him make a small planter box with f/f(favorite flowers) growing it for Y/n to tend to there. While he did this Techno and his parents were travelling they made it to the portal in a few days and had to travel four days to get to the kingdom, they stayed at an inn near the outskirts of the kingdom and would make it to the castle the next day. Techno was excited to meet Y/n while his father was ecstatic to be seeing his best friend after roughly five years. 

(I know the end is a bit rushed i'm running out of ways to use up time between when techno arrived to i figured i'd just go ahead and set that up for next chapter. Once again i hope whoever sees this is enjoying it and i'll start working on a third chapter soon, along with i'm debating starting a oneshot book)

(1175 words)

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