The Arrival

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Techno's pov:

i woke up slowly to the soft sounds of small birds chirping outside and my mother shaking me gently. I got up got dressed in slightly thicker than average clothes still adjusting to the temperature compared to the nether. I walked down to the dining area and sat with mama and father saying thank you before we ate. The food we ate wasn't like what we had in the castle but it was still wonderful. It was sweet but not too sweet it was warm and almost soup like, mama said it was called porridge. We stopped in a small town full of shops and stalls with foods and trinkets. We walked into a tall almost slanting store with many things that shine and glitter. I saw a glittering and shining necklace it held a diamond in the middle hanging from a braided gold chain. I grabbed the necklace holdingit and looking for another gift for Y/N, I soon found a bracelet and a mask almost like the ones for masquerades that seemed to match the necklace. I walked up to mama and we bought the things we had picked out though they got things for everyone while I only got things for Y/N. We continue to the castle me and mama sat next to each other as we rode braiding each others hair. She taught me how to when I was young since i didn't want to cut mine. I braided hers in a french braid ending at her lower back while she braided mine to where to strands formed a crown like shape on my head and continued back being tied to hold the other small braids into a pony tail like shape. 

We arrive at the castle a few hours later, workers take our things to where we'll be sleeping while we stay here and two guides take us to the large elegant throne room where the king sits. I walk careful not to trip in between mama and father while they begin talking to him. I zone out looking at all the different tall doors and beautiful decorations. I almost wonder off but the king says my name. "ah little blade I haven't seen you since you were an infant by gods you've grown" he says light heartedly before chuckling. I tilt my head clearly confused. "You met me when I was a baby?" I asked. He laughed loudly and replied "Yes when you and Y/N where toddlers you were the best of the friends we could hardly ever separate you two, he'd play with your piglin ears and you seemed to enjoy it and the two of you I guess bonded over that" my father chuckled quietly and I just got more confused. Mama smiled and seemingly came to my rescue "I think techno should go look around get his bearings since we'll be here a while." The king nodded and so did father. So with their permission I ran out of the throne room knocking on and opening doors. I found one that lead to a giant library that I quickly noted in my head was next to a large open bedroom. I eventually ended up at a door leading to the courtyard. It was beautiful and quite large, it almost looked wild with streams and forest all around. I quickly decide to go into the forest as far as possible stumbling upon a hedge. I circled it eventually finding an entrance to a maze winding for what seemed hours till i find a small door. I look around and open it cautiously tripping and falling forward when I see where I am. I sit there in awe before I realize it's in many of the photos mama showed me of Y/n and his mother and mama sitting together. I shut the door and wander around deciding not to question why when i stuck my hands into the pond to play with the fish the scrapes from falling healed almost instantly. After a few hours i grew tired and layed on a bench curling up and falling asleep.

I believed I had woken back up, before I realized I was no longer 3'8(tall boi as they are like 10 or so) but seemingly almost 7 feet tall. I looked around to see that I was in father's throne. I stood up and as I walked knowledge of my situation began to return to me, I was the new king of the nether, I was known as the blood god, many feared me and I was extremely powerful to say the least except I seemed to be missing something. Someone? Where they a friend? Someone I loved? I don't kn- my thoughts where cut off by a soft and gentle tickling feeling. I began waking up giggling a bit as someone played with my ears. I made a strange purring sound and looked around confused. They giggled and continued petting my ears eventually lay down next to me. I sat there peacefully happy with the ear pets while they seemed content until I shifted a bit accidentally moving away from them. "heyyyyy you're in my garden the price is cuddles" they complained. I laughed a bit and retorted with "That's a terrible way to run a business nymph." They looked confused. "nymph?" they asked. I paused thinking of a way to explain then proceeded to explain "Nymphs are things connected to plants and living organic life, they're known to be extremely beautiful and to have gardens to themselves so when I woke up to a beautiful boy petting my ears and telling me that I have to cuddle him I assume it would be a nymph." He took a second to process then smiled. "Well then if i'm beautiful you're handsome garden thief" I looked at him in shock before retorting "I call you a nymph supposedly one of the most beautiful creatures known and you call me a garden thief?" I tried not to smile as I looked away pretending to cry "you hurt me"

Y/n's pov:

I giggled knowing he was faking and kissed his cheek. "well as much as I would love to spend time with my lovely little garden thief I do have to go. my father's friends and their son arrived a few hours ago and I was supposed to be there already" I said slightly rushed as I realized just how late I was in actuality. he chuckled and looked at me like I wasn't getting something obvious. "think about it pretty prince, random piglin with gold jewelry seemingly everywhere and a gold crown with the symbol of the kingdom of the nether. Who do you think you're talking to?" I froze pausing for a moment "you're technoblade!?" I yelled slightly. He began laughing taking a few moments to calm down before saying "Gods if you could see the look on your face right now." I hit his head lightly "techno that means we're both late come on!" I yelled grabbing his hand and practically dragging him with me out of the hedge         maze giggling with him slightly. We made it to the throne room in about ten minutes to find we were an hour and a half late and dinner had started. I tried to sneak me and techno to our seats casually but my father as usual saw me. "ah. you know how it goes Y/n you have to wash up first you too techno someone will show you where to go." I sighed and we both nodded.

Time skip brought to you by 15 minutes can save you 15 percent or more-

When we walked back down everyone was almost done with their food and me and techno where quick to catch up since I hadn't, and I assume he hadn't either, eaten much today. After we finished papa began talking "as i'm sure you all know by now our guests will be staying a decent amount of time though we aren't quite sure how long yet. We have many things to discuss but for now I'm sure we're all tired. I simply wanted to inform you that since blade and Y/n are the same age they will be sharing Y/n's room unless Y/n has any objection?" I shook my head no and he nodded before continuing "alrighty then everyone let's get to bed."  I said good night to my siblings and walked with techno back to my room where another bed had been set up. We both layed down on our beds and said good night before someone came in and blew out the candle. She was about to leave before she said "Oh and Y/n please stop going to your brothers room to sleep in the middle of the night we can't always ask him due to his duties around the castle and it does scare us quite a bit when you aren't in your room in the morning" "but-" I cut myself off and nodded. She smiled and closed the door and techno sat up "Why do you sleep in your brothers room?" he asked. I sat up too looking down at my blanket "cause I get nightmares and it scares me to sleep alone when I do." He thought for a moment before responding with "well then if you have nightmares while i'm here you can come sleep in my bed, I don't mind I like cuddling people plus you're warm and I'm used to the heat of the nether so it's quite enjoyable." I smiled and nodded "does that mean you want to just come lay in my bed? it's comfier" He nodded and got up crawling under my blankets and I curled up against him saying good night before falling asleep peacefully.

Techno pov:

I woke up with Y/n sleeping on my chest peacefully, he was wrapped tightly around me and keeping me warm so I honestly didn't mind. I returned the embrace wrapping my arms around his midsection resting my head on top of his. I felt him shift a bit waking up and reach up and start petting my ears making me purr again. Eventually we had to get up, we both got ready for the day and went down to breakfast. We all ate then Y/n's father spoke. "So as you all know our guests will be here a while but one thing we didn't mention to you kids...after a few weeks chianar and marienne will go home with chris Don and blade will be staying with us. We want them to be accustomed to each other's kingdom so when they take the crown they will hopefully do good to keep these ties together." I wasn't too shocked I kind of assumed this as a possibility it seemed 'Chris' did too but Y/n looked like he was about to cry I assume I was right by the voice crack when he talked "but- but why does Don have to go?" The king looked over at him sympathetically and replied "Cause as much as I try to let you and Don worry about being kids more than being royal you do have responsibilities it won't be more than a year I promise Y/n." He nodded and we finished breakfast and were excused I followed Y/n back to his- or I guess our room for now and watched him lay down sadly. I paused unsure what to do and ended up laying next to him and cuddling him. "It won't be too long Y/n..." i said as comfortingly as I could. He nodded and laid there with his head on my chest and we stayed like that for the rest of the day unless one of us needed water or anything.

(1958 words)

(not the best i could do but i'm like half asleep. i hope you all like it)

serendipity(technoblade x male reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ