Leorio x Reader

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Warning: Offensive names and words and one big slob

"Well I enjoy basketball," I said.

"That's nice honey," he said.

He was already drunk. Great. Just frickin fantastic. We hadn't even had dinner yet.

He was all flirty too. Like I needed that.

My friend set me up on another blind date. I asked her not to, but she insisted I needed a man. The only thing I had seen so far was some fat pig like this one. I was so bored.

Then he offered to take me home. I said no since he was drunk, that I'd just get a cab. I then said I had to go to the bathroom, and he got up to walk me there. I decided I didn't have a good excuse to get out of this one, so I didn't argue. I should have though.

When we first started walking there, he put his hand where it didn't go. I was SO ready to knock his teeth out. But I didn't.

I moved a little, trying to get him to let go, but he just spun me around and gripped it.


I was cut off as some guy in a suit with a briefcase came by and took his hand off of me calling the slob and telling him to stop it.

"Why should I? The whore is enjoying it! And why's it any of your business?! Back off of my girl man!" He yelled, getting mad, and putting his arm around me.

The guy threw a punch and I was let go. They both got thrown out, and I paid the bill and went outside. There was the guy that threw the punch, but my "date" was nowhere to be seen. Thank goodness. I would've been arrested if it wasn't for that.

"Hey, I'm sorry for starting things in there. I shouldn't have. I was just mad that he would do that to someone," he said, walking over to me.

"It's fine," I said, smiling, "Thanks for sticking up for me."

"You're welcome. I'm Leorio by the way," he said, looking forwards to see if a taxi was coming.

"I'm (y/n)," I said, shivering a little.

"That's a pretty name," he said, putting his coat over my shoulders.

"Th-Thanks," I said, a little surprised, but smiling nonetheless.

"So you waiting for a taxi too?"

"Yeah, I don't have a car. Last boyfriend totaled it. I haven't gotten it fixed yet. My uncle is supposed to show up tomorrow," I said, explaining.

"Oh I see. Well I don't have a car because I usually walk everywhere, but my house is honestly so far away I just can't. Especially with it raining soon."

As soon as he said that, rain came. We jumped, and ran for it. (I'm listening to check yes juliet by we the kings) I screamed, feeling the cold and getting wet. We ran underneath a sidewalk covering, and when I looked at him, I realized we were both smiling.

About an hour of talking, and waiting for a taxi, we had become friends. He then asked me something unexpected.

"Hey I know now's not the best time... But I was wondering.... Do you maybe wanna go out on a date?"

"U-Um sure," I said, surprised.

A week later

(And now it's sad song) I walked in the front gate. There he was.

Our first date, maybe our only, (make that pacify her by Melanie Martinez) was at the fair. While we were there, I got pink cotton candy.

I had an amazing time, and he then told me he hadn't rode a faris wheel before.

"What?!" I yelled, trying to be louder than the music but also out of shock.

How could someone never have been on a faris wheel?

"Oh we are so going! Come on!" I yelled, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the big circular wheel.

Once we were on, I could tell he was getting a little nervous. I remember being that way when I first rode one too. I knew what to do.

I grabbed his hand and held it gently.

"My mom did it for me when I was scared."


I smiled. I had found my perfect boyfriend.

Author's note:


Have a good day!

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