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Douglas is their father?

"I'm just trying to meet the needs of my customers. It's not my fault they're all dictators and mad men." Douglas said as he circled around the cage. The computer beeped. "Well, what do you know? We got company." The computer showed Adam, Bree, and Chase entering the yard of Douglas' house wearing new suits. New Suits? Cool and wow Chase looked even better. God Dammit I really have to get over this crush of mine

"Trust me. They will defeat you." Davenport said,

"Ooh! I'm so scared. You forget I have a bionic weapon of my own. Marcus!" Doug called and Marcus came running in from a door behind us.

"Is it time?"
 Marcus asked his Dad.

"It is. Go welcome our guests." Douglas said to Marcus pointed to the door.

"Will it kill you to say please?" I said annoyed

"Shut it Missy" Douglas pointed at me. Marcus turned to us and his eyes glowed green. Oh Shit. Once Marcus left Douglas shot us with an imaginary gun again. "Boom."

"You don't even do it right!" Davenport exclaimed, I sighed at how immature both of them were acting. I gagged at the Jazz music Douglas decided to put on.

"You know, for an unstable sociopath, your taste in music could be a lot better." Davenport said. 

"You were in a boy band." Douglas said as he turned off the music thank fucking God.

"It was not a boy band. It was an Acapella group that just happened to be made up of boys." Davenport tried to defend himself.

"Can you both just Shut Up," I said. Suddenly, Adam, Bree, and Chase ran into the lab, 

"Monique, Mr. Davenport!" Bree yelled.

"Oh, goodie. Everyone's here! Party time!" Douglas said and walked up to them.

"I've secured the perimeter. They're ours, now." Marcus said as he ran in.The three bionics walked up to the cage we were in.

"Mr. Davenport, what is going on? Who is this guy?" Chase asked.

"Who is this guy?" Douglas repeated confused. "Donny, you never told them about me? I am deeply offended." He turned them, "Adam, Bree, Chase, I'm your father." Oh Hold on Dude dun dun, OH MY GOD I turned to Davenport to see him have an ashamed face looking down.

"I'm so freaking Confused!" I said now frustrated

"What do you mean, you're our father?" Chase asked Douglas.

"Yeah, he's our father." Bree said, pointing to Davenport.

"No." Douglas said while grabbing a remote from a shelf. "That's what he's been telling you." 

"Well, I don't know who you are, but you're going down." They started running towards Douglas, but he pressed a button and teleported Adam, Bree, and Chase into the cage with us. I quickly stood up and hugged them. I hugged Chase for a little longer.

"You mastered short range teleportation before I did?" Davenport asked. Davenport was surprised. "I've been working on that for years."

"I know," Douglas boasted. "I'm awesome."

No, you're not awesome. I'm awesome!"

"I'm awesome!"

"Awesome!" Davenport said and pointed to himself then walked to the other side of the cage.

"Well, you're still going down." Adam and went to a move but stopped.

"My super strength, it's gone." Bree tried running supper speed.

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