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Getting out of this Stupid Cage

"Why do you need us?" Bree asked. "I mean, you already have Marcus, and apparently a barber with a sense of humor."

I know it's not a great time to laugh but I chuckled.

"Marcus is just an android." Douglas said. I looked at the cage Marcus was in. "He's not sleeping, he's recharging. Trouble with androids is they burn too quick. He won't make it to his 16th birthday, but don't tell him that. He thinks he's getting a car." The computer beeped, and looked at it to see Leo was in the yard. "Oh, well look who showed up to be a hero. And this one's not even bionic. I can take him out with the sprinklers." Douglas laughed.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted.

"He's just a kid." Davenport said.

"A nosy kid who keeps getting in our way!" Douglas yelled,

"Stay away from him." Bree yelled.

"Don't worry, Princess. I'm not gonna hurt him." Douglas pressed a button Marcus' Cage door opened. Marcus walked out. "Marcus wanted that privilege all to himself." Douglas turned to Marcus "Your little friend Leo is back. This time, take care of him for good." Marcus smirked us, like I said before when I get out of here, I'm going to kick his ass.

"Done." Marcus walked out past leaving Douglas hanging.

"Really dude? You're gonna leave your creator hanging like that?" I just really hope Leo is going to be all right. I watched Marcus attacked Leo, Lasers shot out of his fingers; they hit Leo in the chest sending him flying. I shed a few tears; Chase saw and hugged me.

"Poor Leo." Bree whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks. "He was trying to save us."

"He tried to warn us about Marcus and we ignored him." Chase said.

"I just met him two days ago, yet he already feels like a little brother to me." I whispered as I started to whimper. Chase kissed my temple softly.

"When I get out of here, I'm taking you and Marcus down." Adam threatened Douglas. 

"Good luck with that." Douglas held up a small remote. "Once I press this, it'll activate your Triton Apps and I'll control you permanently."

"No!" "Wait! Stop!" We exclaimed,

"Do Chase first!" Adam said. We waited for the Triton App to activate. Douglas kept pressing the button but it did nothing.

"Marcus, did you put batteries in this thing?" He yelled out to where Marcus was.

"Ha! I went into their chips and put a block on your app a long time ago! Ooh, it's so good watching you eat it!" Davenport exclaimed, He started doing a little dance, but was too close to the edge of the cage and got zapped by the lasers. Douglas stomped over, sat down by his computer and started typing. 

"Very clever, Donny, but I'll get around it. I've always been a better programmer than you." He said. "There? See! Only eight minutes until my cypher key decrypts your amateur block and activates the Triton Apps!" He looked at Davenport and laughed. "What are you going to do about it? Call mommy?" He stopped laughing and became serious. "If you do, don't tell her I'm alive."

"Guys, There's only four minutes left until the block is decrypted. We have to get out of here." Bree warned."If we could find a way to deflect off these beams, we could take out the control console and deactivate the laser source." Davenport explained. "I don't suppose anybody has a mirror on them?" He asked 

"If any of us had a mirror on them, it would be you." Bree told him, I nodded agreeing with her.

"There must be something we could use." Chase said.

"Well, I can't think on an empty stomach." Adam said, pulling out a granola bar from his mission suit. Who the hell carries a granola bar in their mission suit? Wait I know the answer fucking Adam bloody Davenport.

"You brought a granola bar?" Chase asked.

"Yup. Thanks for taking up my suggestion on the snack holster." Adam said to Davenport.

"That was supposed to be for a weapon." Davenport told him.

"Oi, this one with the weapons." Adam used that damn accent again. He still thought he was fucking Jewish. Bree grabbed the wrapper from Adam. 

"Oh, hey, we could use this as a reflective surface."

"Yes, but it'll never withstand the intensity of these beams. We need something to support it; hard and flat." Davenport explained.

"How about Adam's head?" Chase joked, I laughed.

"What about your belt buckle?" Bree asked and pointed Davenport's buckle.

"Yes!" He took off the belt buckle "Wait, this is custom." He pouted.

"Really?" Bree grabbed it and wrapped the wrapper around it. "There, now we've got a mirror." 

"Step aside, Bree. Let the big boys take care of this." Chase grabbed the mirror from her.

"Oh, okay, when are they getting here?" I asked and Bree smirked. Chase gave me a look before trying to find the right angle to position the mirror, He couldn't do it.

 "Without my bionics, I could never figure out the precise angle. We're just going to have to, Guesstimate." He shuddered.

"Oh!" I cringed sarcastically.

"Look, we can't get this wrong. We only have one shot." Davenport said. "Yeah, no pressure." Chase scoffed. Chase was about to put the mirror under the beam when Adam decided to talk. 

"No, not that one. That one." He pointed to a different beam. We all looked at Adam. "I had my snack. I'm ready to help." He grabbed the mirror under the beam; Davenport and Chase kept telling him where to place it. I got aggravated

"Give it to me." I said and grabbed the mirror I randomly positioned the mirror and placed it on the beam, the beam hit the console. The lasers from the cage went down and we were free from the cage.

"And that's how you get it done, boys." Bree said as she high-fived me. "YOLO." Chase placed two fingers on his temple.

"Our bionics are back."

"Come on, let's get out of here." I said. We were about to run out of the lab when Douglas came back in clapping with Marcus behind him.

"Bravo. But just because a dog gets out of his cage doesn't mean he's going for a walk."

"Wait, you have a dog? Where, where, where, where, where?" Adam asked.

"Douglas. You're not getting these kids." Davenport defended us.

"Wrong again, Donny." He pointed to the monitor. "Look, the decryption is complete. Now I'll have total control" Douglas was about to hit the button on the remote when Davenport kicked it out of his hand. The remote flew up to a railing in the corner of the room. "Ah! Man, not cool! What are you wearing, clogs?" Davenport and Douglas started to fight.

"Guys run!" Davenport yelled

"We're not leaving without you!" Bree yelled back

"Just go!" Davenport yelled again still fighting Donald. We quickly ran towards the door but was stopped by Marcus

"Get out of our way, Marcus!" I growled.

"Not a chance." He said smirking. OH SHIT HOLY SHIT.

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