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Starting a New Life

Hello, My name is Monique Henderson, I'm 16 Years old and I live with my abusive Father, Graeme (Grey-am) Nixon in Mission Hills, California, United States. I have a very big secret, at this point only I know about it and the secret is that I am Bionic; my bionic abilities include Bionic awareness (which means I am able to sense if a Bionic human is around), flying, invisibility and Military Combat Skills.

Now you probably would be thinking, why don't you just use your bionics to get rid of your dad? I could, but I won't because if I do and he gets away, he could easily tell someone and I would be taken away for experimenting and I don't want that, so I pretend to be normal to not make my father suspicious.

You probably also would be thinking, where is mother and/or siblings, well I did have a Mother named Letitia (La-tisha) Henderson and a 12 year old brother Lucas, they were both killed by Graeme, he shot them in the back of their heads with a shot gun, he got away with it with his excessive lying and fake innocence he also said if I turned him in, he will hunt me and kill me, so I kept his secret, a secret.

My mum and I were very close and she was the one to make me Bionic, Luke was Bionic as well. My mum learnt how to make bionic chips from her friends Donald & Douglas Davenport. She has told me all about how Donald has 3 Bionic teenage children and that he lives not too far away in Mission Creek.

"MONIQUE, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE BEFORE I SLAP YOU IN THE FACE!" Graeme yelled from downstairs, I quickly ran downstairs and into the living room, where he was sitting on the couch watching baseball with an empty beer in his hand,

"Yes, Dad?" I asked.

"I want you to clean this whole house up by midnight tonight because I will be going out, if you don't finish cleaning, I will punish you" he stood up and walked over to me "I might even find you a new mum tonight, now start cleaning" he said and slapped me the face while walking out the door, slamming it behind him.

That's it I thought to myself, I'm done with his crap and leaving and running away. I ran up to my room and packed as much as I could into my suitcase, I walked into my wardrobe and moved the hangers full of dresses over to find the secret door in the corner of the closet. I opened the door and walked down 2 flights of stairs into my mother's old lab where my capsule and gear was. I got my gear and put it into a duffle bag along with my personal belongings such as my phone, wallet, toiletries, mum's old necklace and the location to where the Davenports live.

I'm choosing to go to the Davenports because, 1. They are closer, so while I fly there, I won't glitch out due to flying for too long, 2. All of my extended family live in Canada and is too far away to fly to, 3. Donald Davenport is an expert on bionics so he can help me.

I checked the time on my watch and saw it 7:00pm, my stomach started rumbling due the lack of food I have had over the past week. I still have time but I want to leave early just in case Graeme comes home early with his new slut of the week, I ran back up the 2 flights of stairs, into my room and picked up my suitcase with my duffel bag in my other hand. I ran down the stairs and put a note addressed to my dad on the counter that I wrote along time ago, the note said 'I've had enough of your shit and running away to where you can't and will never find me, I hope you have a nice life, Asshole'. I quickly ran out my backdoor and into the dark of the night, I turned my invisibility on just in case and started flying with my duffle bag and suitcase it both of my hands.

I'm about half an hour into the trip and got about 20 minutes left before I get to the davenports, flew down behind a service station, hid my bags behind a bush and made sure no one was watching me. I made my way into the service station and grabbed a packet of chips and a water bottle; I walked up to the Cash register, paid for my food and walked out to where my bags were. I ate my food, drank my drink and made sure no one was around to mug me. I grabbed my bags and started flying to my destination and I hope to a new life.

I'm finally at the davenport's house (more like a mansion); I walked up to the front door and knocked on it. A girl with brown hair and brown eyes opened the door; I could tell she was bionic, "Hi, My names is Monique, could I by any chance please speak to Donald Davenport, it's an emergency" I said looking desperate.

"Sure, I'm Bree, would you like to come in?" she asked politely

"Yes please" I said while walking into the house.

"Mr. Davenport!" Bree yelled,

"yeah?" I heard a reply from which I think is Donald.

"There is someone here to talk to you," she said to her father,

"coming". While we were waiting for him to come, I saw 3 boys on the couch, in front of me, one was very muscular with black hair, my senses told me that he was bionic, next to him was a dark skinned boy and was very much shorter than the other one, I could tell by looking at him that he wasn't bionic. The last one on the couch was mid-height, brown hair and was quite muscular but not as much as the other one, not to mention he was very very very good looking, my senses also told me that he was bionic.

"Hello, my name is Donald Davenport, and you are?" he asked while looking at me confused as if he new me from somewhere

"My name is Monique Henderson" I said while shaking his hand, "I was told that you were good friends with my mother Letitia".

"Yes that is correct, I knew you looked familiar, your mother told me all about you, you're bionic aren't you?" he asked,

"Yes, I am" I answered his question

"don't mind me asking, but is your mother with you?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," I paused "my mother is dead".

"What, how?"

"My father, I mean Graeme, Shot both my mother and brother Luke in the head about 2 years ago" I paused again with tears in my eyes "I'm only telling you now because I've been planning my escape from my father for those 2 years, he is very abusive and always harms me" I said as I lifted my sleeve to show Donald my cuts and bruises that Graeme caused. Donald was shocked and sympathetic towards me

"Oh Monique, I'm so sorry, but why didn't you use your bionics to escape him, you have Military Combat Skills?" Mum must have told him about my abilities.

"Because Graeme doesn't know I have Bionics and if I were to use my bionics on him, and then for him to escape, he would tell everyone and I don't want that". Mr. Davenport nodded his head understanding why I did what I did. "I know we only met and this is short notice but I need somewhere safe and secure to live and the first place I thought of was here, could I by any chance stay here for a while?" I asked Mr. Davenport hoping that I could stay.

"Of course you can, Letitia was a very close friend to me and I would do anything for her, so you can stay in the guest room for now until I get another Capsule put in the lab for you to sleep in" he said to me

"Are you sure, I don't like to intrude" I said cautiously.

"Yes that is fine, I already consider you part of the family," he said with developing me into a hug.

"Thank you so much" I said with tears of happiness in my eyes "I can finally get away from that Psychopath".

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