Making Matches

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He forgot.

Ainsley doesn't let the disappointment burrow into her skin and tighten around her guts at the prospect as she looks at the roasted lamb leg, the first one of the season, and they'd paid a good amount on it too, and the creamy potato mash and - Amu says it's alright, he's just probably running late, don't be too upset.

She is not upset.

But - Amu says 'we'll just cover it and it'll be fine, it's delicious anyway so don't' worry.

She'd cooked it to as near perfection as she could have gotten it, and it's not supposed to sit, the juices would run out, and the potatoes would get gummy and he - he forgot. But she's not upset. She is not.

She's just . . . disappointed. The most probable reason being that he forgot because he's busy with some girl of the week or what not. And he forgot this, her - her dinner, his dinner for his - she bites her tongue and refuses to let the settling hurt behind her ribs ache any harder. 'Fine, we'll just cover it - "She looks away so her grandparents don't see the wobbling disappointment in her eyes.

They stay silent behind her and she knows they're doing this talking without words that only people who have been with each other as long as they have can do.

Then she hears a sharp clatter at their door and she's surprised for a moment, and refuses to let her heart flip because Kai doesn't use the front door if he can help it and then she's doubly surprised when he does, in fact, come through the front door.

"Sorry all, I hope I'm not too late." He calls, grimacing a bit when he takes in her gawking face.

Amu, smart and brave, claps her weather beaten hands together and smiles, a radiant bright eyes smile. "Oh, of course not Kai dear, we've only just started, come, come, sit."

He grins. "Oh thank goodness, I'm sorry, Soto decided to muck the sheep pens out and he didn't let me go until late. He forgets sometimes, I think, to even sleep." He looks down at her as he passes and pats her on top of her head. "Heya Shorty, what's with that look? I'm not really late am I?"

She scoffs, saves face, and swats at his hand. "No, but - when did you learn to knock? Or use the front door as a matter of fact?" She blurts out because really, why dwell on him being late, he hadn't forgotten after all so there wasn't any reason to hold Soto making him work against him. He's here besides.

He gasps in mock offense and clutches his heart, "I know how to be polite too sometimes." He says dramatically.

She rolls her eyes as Babu snorts into his water and they sit into their spaces, Babu across from Amu and she across from Kai, and she refuses to think of how nice it feels to have a fourth person at the table - instead of a wall to stare at. "You and manners? That'll be the day."

He scoffs at her and takes a hearty bite out of the roast lamb, she pretends like she's not watching him. Then he chews, makes a face, and chews slower and she feels trepidation and annoyance all at once as she tries her hardest not to act like she's waiting for him to tell her what he thinks, because she doesn't need him to tell her what he thinks just . . .

He swallows and looks contemplative for a moment longer, and she thinks he's doing this on purpose, he's making fun of her until his face cuts into an exaggerated grin of approval. "Good news kid. It didn't kill me."

And she can't be faulted for kicking him a little harder than necessary under the table.




"Well, that was nice." Kai sighs and pats his stomach as Amu takes his plate, he grins up at her. "Thanks for letting me over."

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