Unexpected Turns

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That's what she has to divide work, studying, and cooking and cleaning with. Delivering presents from one person to the next, trying to woo Gina, who seems more inclined than Soto, to being wooed, while Kai tried to be subtly, or maybe not too subtly, talk with Soto about all of Gina's achievements, they found he's slightly more interested in the things she grows though so - she has to balance out herb detailing with Gina's spice proofing stories.

She's exhausted and Gen Ands's noticing.

"That boy will be the death of you one day." He mutters, shaking his head as he slides his spectacles on to look into a rotting patch of Vern leaves.

"I - it's not for him I'm doing this." and she knows it's a lie the moment the words come out of her mouth but - she clamps her mouth shut when Gen flashes her a wry look.

"I'm sure. Get the oil Maris will you."

She does and sighs when the scented tea tree oil, precious in its own right, fills the air, relaxing her with its sharp clean smell.

"Here, use this before you go to sleep tonight." Gen Anda hands her a small vile of something and Ainsley sniffs it.

"My muscles don't ache?"

"Your brain does, and it's a muscle more or less. You need to relax it from time totime." Gen Anda explains and turns away so he doesn't see her smile at him.

"Thank you Master."

"Now off with you, I have a few more things to finish and I don't' need you mucking about anymore today." He replies gruffly and Ainsley hides her smiles as she leaves the Apothecary for the day.

Kai catches her outside, well into the evening. "There you are, come on, we need to hurry."

"Hurry? Hurry where? Kai, it's already late, I don't think we should be going anywhere right now - "She suddenly conscious of him, of the surrounding growing darkness, of the sheen on his face and the smell of grass and hay on his clothes, he's been out in the field again she realizes, as he looks at her with an quirked eye brow.

"We need to get to Soto's store house and find the best cream he's managed to boil, maybe we can make some butter or - "


She startles, her heart in her throat, not sure why she's jittery suddenly when Gen Anda's head pops out of the door way and his eyes fixate on Kai standing in front of her, suddenly much too close than she's ever noticed before.

"Is that Kai with you - "The elderly man narrows his eyes. "-don't' you have a home to stay in at odd hours of the night boy?"

Kai gives him his best grin. "Sure I do, but odd hours of the night are when real fun is had." He teases.

Ainsley coughs and colors, looking up at him in horror and his sly remark seems to have gone brittle on his tongue when he notices and Gen Anda humph sharply.

"Not with Ainsley, there isn't, go home, both of you!" He snaps and means it as he glares at Kai pointedly and that - that is so much worse.

Ainsley squeaks at the hidden meaning that shouldn't be there at all and bursts into a flurry of movement. "Ah -ahaha, well it's late - um - good night Master - time to go!" And she presses palms against Kai's shoulders and - probably because he wasn't expecting it , or else he wouldn't have moved if he was - he stumbles in surprise and gives Gen Anda a sheepish smile and wave.

"See you later then." And he dares make this so much worse by winking at her and disappearing behind the bakery.


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