The Princess and The Band- Four

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The words resounded like a gong. I like you, Princess.

Luke licked his lips, a gesture that he was getting more nervous. "I know it's only been two days, but-" he paused. "I just can't contain these sparks whenever I see you. It's making me insane."

He really is insane right now. But, is this what true love can do to a person? Even to a person like Luke?

My eyes scanned the little details of his face, waiting for him to go on. "Whatever your response will be, I'll respect it." he said.

My gaze trailed down to my bare feet, and my mind became completely blank; I found it hard to set my thoughts straight. "I actually don't know what to say. I've never experienced any thing like this before. So I, uh-"

"It's okay, Princess. I'll give you some time to think." Luke said with a grin, the jewelry on his lip swaying a bit.

An awkward smile crept onto my lips."Yes, that would great. Thank you, Luke." I saw a glint of hurt in his eyes, and then he walked back inside the sliding doors.

Cars began to honk from below the balcony as my mind replayed Luke's lip movement as he spoke the words of his confession. My knees suddenly felt weak, so I sat back down on the chair without straying my gaze from a certain flower pot at the far corner of the platform.

This little thing called love, why does it have to demand a thousand decisions? Why does it have to bring confusion? In Rohan, when you're royalty, you have no room for love; what mattered was your status in life.

I traveled to the dark blue sky. A wishing star passed by.


I spent my breakfast with Lauren in the little dining room. I intently watched as she stirred her hot chocolate. I haven't eaten anything yet because I still couldn't wipe away what happened last night. Lauren seemed to notice that I was staring off at the unseen air.

"Uhm, is everything alright?"

I blinked a few times, shifting myself back to reality. "Oh, yes. Never been better, Lauren."

Her eyebrows knotted, unconvinced. "You're lying. Come on, you know you can tell me anything, princess."

I let out a heavy sigh as my eyes trailed down to the wooden table. "Last night, Luke confessed to me."

"That isn't a surprise."


"Princess, everyone knows Luke likes you. You're the only one who doesn't seem to notice it."

My eyes trailed back down to the table, blurry images playing inside my mind. Then, all of a sudden, teardrops started to leak from my eyes. I tried my best to silently let out more tears, but when a sniff came out, Lauren immediately scooted closer and began to make circular patterns on my back.

"I'm sorry. This is so foolish. I shouldn't even be crying."

She hushed me. "No, it's okay to cry. It's part of growing up. It's what we're made to do; laugh when there's something to laugh at, and cry when we feel like it."

Instead of calming down, I broke down to an enormous amount of tears. Oh, father wouldn't be so proud of me right now. Then there was the sound of footsteps coming near where we sat; it's the boys. Lauren and I silently gasped as we looked at each other.

"What should I do?" I whispered, panic flaming inside of me.

Lauren's eyes roamed around for a while. "I got it," she said, snapping her fingers. "Just continue to cry and ACT. NATURAL."

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