Darcy Styles

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"Happy Hallowen!" A group of kids said as Megan and I walked into the front of the school.

"Really? We are FRESHMAN! This is HIGH SCHOOL!" Megan yelled as she scooted past the other teens.

"C'mon Megan! It's Halloween! Can't you have a little fun?" one of the boys asked. His hair was a dark brown color swooped to the side. Does he not know that Justin Bieber went out of style like a year ago?

"Halloween is a kids holiday! Why would I celebrate it!" She practically yelled.

"Fine. Darcy?Are you coming to the party tonight?" Tony asked. I felt my face get all flustered when he asked. I have had a crush on this kid since the first grade!

"If my mom will let me. You know how she can be."

"Your mom is like the coolest person ever!" Tony said walking on the other side.

"Yeah but at most times, she can be pretty stricted." He laughed and was about to say something else, but the bell rang.

"See you tonight?" He winked and ran off.

"He likes you," Megan said nudging my shoulder.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Girl, he has had his eyes on you since day one! That was in first grade!" She laughed pulling my hand. I laughd as we entered the new High School.

"I'll see you later alright?" She smiled and ran off.


"Mom! I'm HOME!" I yelled as I entered our small flat. Nothing. "MOM!" I walked through the kitchen to see a note plastered to the fridge.

Dear Darcy,

Went out to do some shopping. I'll be back in about an hour! STAY SAFE!

Love, Mom

How was I going to ask her about the party? I know that if I didn't ask her now, she would never let me go!

Before I could do anything else, there was a knock at the door. I wasn't suppose to open the door when my mom wasn't home, but it's Halloween. It could be trick-or-treaters.

"Hi sweetheart. Is Ana around?" The man asked. He was tall, happy floppy dark hair and perfect green eyes.

"No sorry. She's out. I can take a message," I said as sweet as possible.

"Could uh- could you tell her I stopped by?" He asked before taking off.

"UHH!!!" I tried to calll after. "I didn't get a name." All well. I closed the door behind me and turned up the music. When my mum wasn't home, I blasted the music. Our neighbors didn't do much. They are always on vacation. I mean all the time.

"Darcy can you please turn that down!" I heard my mother say from the living room. Great, ruin my fun mom! Wait. Now I can ask!

"Hey mommy. Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked sweet talking her.

"What do you want Darcy?" Dang. She's good.

"Well there's this guy named Tony. And he's having a party tonight, and I was wandering if I could go!" I asked all in one breath. She gave me an 'are-you-stupid' look before putting away grocries.

"I don't know Darcy."

"Please mom! I have only been invited to three and the other two we went to grandmas! Please? He's going to think I hate him!"

She let out a sigh before answering. "Fine."

"Yes! THANK YOU!" I kissed her cheek and ran off. "Oh mom? By the way. Some guy stopped by looking for you."

"Name?" She asked.

"He didn't say anything," I said taking a seat on the island.

"What did he look like?"

"Brown floppy hair. Green eyes. Really tall. Had quite a bit of tattoos," I said describing the man.

"But no name?" She asked hesitantly.

"Nope." I began to walk but caught myself. "Wait. Do you have someone your seeing and not telling me about?"

"Darcy!" She yelled.

"Sorry!" I ran off and walked into my room. Being an only child has its ups. But not being able to know my dad. It's hard.

I was about to change out of my school clothes into my costume when I saw that man who was at my door, outside my window. He was talking to another floppy haired man. I opened my window to see if I could hear anything.

"So you saw her?" The other man asked.

"Louis she was beautiful," the other guy said.

"Did you see Ana? Was she home?"

"No. She wasn't. I wanted to pull Darcy into my arms and hold her. Louis it hurt so much that she didn't know who I was!"



Hey guys! This is my first story. Please be kind and tell me what you think! It's kind of a dream I had that this was based on. So please!! Tell me what you think!


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