Chapter 20

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"Dad!" I yelled from the hall way I was standing in. I have been recording all day and we have a show planned for tonight. "You came!" 

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," he replied, kissing my forehead. "Where are the others?" 

"They are getting ready in the dressing room," I replied. 

"Why aren't you with them? GO!" He said pushing me. I nodded, taking off down the hall to where the dressing room was. I walked in to see that Lux and Payton were already dressed. 

"DARCY!" Payton yelled as I walked into the room. "You need to get dressed! It's our first show and you aren't dressed. HARRY YOUR DAUGHTER IS GOING TO DELAY OUR CONCERT!" 

"Chill out Pay," I said slipping on a shirt. "I'm ready. All I need is hair and I'm good." 

"Just... Hurry up," she said storming out of the dressing room. Lux laughed, following behind. 

"Are you guys almost ready?" our manager, Lexi asked coming into the room. 

"Maybe you should ask the slacker over here," Payton said crashing to the couch. 

"Payton. Lux. Go out and tune your instraments while the curtains are down." Yes curtains. It was that fancy. 

"But I have the drums," Lux replied. "I don't need to tune." 

"Then go find Tony," Lexi replied. Tony is the new keyboardist. Payton plays bass and I sing and play guitar. We have been signed to my dads record label so he runs our mangemant. Lexi is just the... babysitter? Which is kind of needed. We aren't exactly angles.

Right now, we are on tour. And this is our first show. It's been a year since we have formed. And we finally get to go on tour. Best part, family can come with so my mom and dad get to come. They're married by the way. Oh and... I'M GETTING A BABY BROTHER! I know. I'm freaking too. 

"Darcy honey,"  I heard my mom say. "Niall's on facetime. He wants to talk." I took her phone, looking at the screen seeing that Niall had a huge smile on his face. Niall is my favorite uncle. I know, harsh. But we get along so well. And when I had to leave for tour, he had to stay because Dani had her baby. It's a baby girl and her name is Rosie. Dani came up with it. But her middle name is Bay. Which is my middle name. 

"Hi Uncle Niall!" I said waving at the camera. 

"First show and I don't get to be there," he powted into the camera. "Not fair." 

"I have got tickets for you guys for the London show. It won't be long." 

"But it's your first show!" He said. He looked to be like a hall way. 

"Where are you Niall?" 

"Um..." he didn't answer for he was in the same room as me. "I'm right here." 

"Niall!" I nearly had the curling iron burn me. "Where's Dani and Rose?" 

"Dani is on a girls weekend with Eleanor and Rose is with my parents." I came over and wrapped me in hug. "I woulnd't want to miss my favorite girls first show!" 

"Thank you so much!" I said letting go.

"Okay family and friends to the front please. And the other four, to the stage please," Lexi said moving everyone out. "C'mon Darcy." 

"Sorry," I said rushing out. I said goodbye to my mom and dad as with the others as went to the opening of the stage. I was handed my very own guitar and my custom made ear pieces. They had D.S in them. 

"Ready kid?" Lexi asked as she counted down. I knodded, stepping behind my microphone. Yes we were one of those bands where everyone plays an instrument. Once the beat began, I began to strum the chords to our single. We didn't have many songs but that won't last long for the album comes out tomorrow. Crazy I know. 

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