Chapter 3

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"Darcy? Are you alright dear? What's wrong?" Stacy, Morgan's mom asked. "Come in! You are soaked!"

"I-Is Megan here?" I asked looking around. I took of the jacket as Stacy took it from me, placing my wet things in the dryer. 

"No she had drama club after school. What's wrong sweetie?" I took a seat on her couch as she sat next to me. 

"I need someone to talk to," I said fiddling with my thumbs. "I was hoping Megan was here."

"She should be home soon. If you want to wait," she replied. "What happened Darce?" I looked up at the older women. She was like my second mom. I spent every day over here when I was a little girl. Mostly because of all the cool dolls and wicked sand box they had. 

"It's my dad," I said holding the tears back. Stacy's eyes went wide. Her and my mom went to school together a long time ago.

"What about him?" she asked.

"He-" I started. "He's back."



"I knew she would run," I said holding my head in my hands. Louis sat on one side while Ana sat on the other. "I knew this would happen. Bad idea written all over it!"

"Don't put yourself down Harry. It was now or have her hate you later. She'll come around," Louis spoke.

"She's just going to need some time," Ana put in. "When she met my birth mom she was really surprised. Suprised I was adopted and never told her. She just needs time." I looked over to see her smiling down at my. Oh how I died to kiss those lips. But I know I shouldn't. It's been so long. She would run again.

"I don't have much time," I added. "I have work. I have an album coming out and some sound work for the new club."

"New club?" Ana asked.

"I'm the club owner of the new on called RED."

"RED? Really?" She asked folding her arms. "One of Taylor Swifts many album names?" I knew Ana hated Taylor. When they met the first time, I swear a cat fight would have broken out if Taylor didn't want to keep up her image. I talked to the rest of the boys. And they all said they would have paid to see it. 

"It's not for her," I said finally lifting my head. "It was Darcy's first word. RED. I remeber you skyping me and she held up her teddy she said red. That's why." She face flused up happieness. 

"You never forgot," she smiled. 

"Why would I?" I questioned. She smiled and pulled out her phone. 

"Darcy's at Stacy's," she said slipping the phone into her bag. 

"Chatterton?" I asked. 

"That's the one. She has a daughter and Darcy and her are best friends," she stated. 

"That's weird," I said remembering that Stacy and Ana were best friends at this age. Funny to think about. "Should we go get her?"

"No. She will come home by herself. She did this when I ran over the puppy. It wasn't on purpose but she was devistated." I let out a chuckle before checking my own phone. I had a week left from this very minute to see Darcy. To get to know her. To get Ana back. 

"Should we go?" Louis asked checking his watch. "We can pick up a movie and dinner on the way back to the hotel."

"Why don't you guys stay here for a while?" Ana asked stopping at the bottom of her steps. 

"What if Darcy comes back?" I asked.

"Then she comes back," Ana stated. "She's going to have to get used to it. You're the one who came back to her life. You're the one who has to stick with it."

"Right," I exhald.


-Darcy's P.O.V-

"What?" Megan yelled. "He's WHAT?"

"Like I said, he's back. The man is my father!" I replied.

"How do you know?"

"He sat me down and was about to say something but I ran off!" I explained. "That guy? Harry Styles? Yeah, he's my dad!"

"How are you taking this?" Stacy asked.

"Mom! How the hell do you think she is taking it?" Megan yelled. Yeah not very close. "What are going to do?"

"I have to go back," I explained.

"No!" Megan yelled. "You can stay here."

"I can't Megan. I have to face this some time right?" I asked Stacy. She nodded, not really want to engage in conversation. "Thanks though."

"Wait," Megan said stopping me. "Do you want me to come with you?"

I stopped, pulling on the jacket I wore over here. I pulled the hood up over my curly hair, looking out into the rain. "I have to do this."

"Call me," she said touching my shoulder. I smiled and nodded, walking out the door. 

I walked through the rain, running the thoughts through my head. What am I going to say? Should I hug him? She I even call him dad? What do I do? 

It has been about six hours since I last saw him. That's how long I have been gone. I don't want to face him. Not now. Not ever even. I thought I wanted to meet him but after today? I don't know anymore. 

I walked up to the doorsteps and unlocked my door to find Harry and Louis sitting at the dinner table. "Darcy?" My mom walked out and pulled me into the kitchen. "I was worried." 

"Right." I exhaled, pulling of the jacket. "I'm going to bed."

"You don't want any food?" she asked. 

"No." I walked out of the room and into mine. I sat on the floor, knees to my chest. My hair fell in front of my face as I sat there, crying. I put my head phones into my ears, listing to Fix You by Coldplay. Why did he come back now? Does he care?


-Harry's P.O.V-

"I'm sorry Harry," Ana said sitting between Louis and I. "She isn't taking this well at all."

"It's okay Ana," I said rubbing her back soothingly. I could hear her soft cries come from her small hands. I couldn't help but pull her into a hug. She cried softly into my shoulder. I liked to comfort her. It was like our teen years all over again. Damn did I miss those days. "Ana please."

"She's in there crying," Louis said coming out. 

"What?" We both said lifting our heads. 

"What is it?" Louis asked. 

"If she locks herself in there and is crying that means..." Ana trailed off. She got up from her seat and ran for Darcy's room. 

"What?" Louis asked. 

"She cuts Louis," I said following Ana. 

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