Chapter One (An hour before)

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Y/n's POV

A soft blue tint filled the sky, it was late in the afternoon. Two neat rows of chairs and a small crowd standing in their way, chatting their hearts out with laughter. Before them, was a path of Eden rose petals, which spread towards a deep red Arbor of roses. The entire place was picturesque as I watched it from the window of my dressing room. It was the Mins' garden area , it was there for occasions like these. While the real house lay a few metres away. A pretty nerve-wracking sight.

Is this happening?

Am I finally getting married?

Two rings exchanged and a kiss. I think I'm ready.

As I was still processing my thoughts, I felt a harsh blow across my face. I winced in pain and looked at who did it. Indeed, it was my aunt. "Didn't I tell you not to invite your friends to the wedding?!" She gritted her teeth angrily, slapping me again. This time I stumbled and fell from my chair. "No wonder, you disobey. Just like your mother. " She knelt and pressed my chin hard with her fingers. "Now, listen closely Y/n. I want you to be obedient to your husband. If I hear anything that doesn't sound good, I won't spare a single second to kill you in the next." Saying this, she threw my chin.

"Oh honey, let her be. You're going to get her pretty face destroyed, before the wedding." Mr. Han walked in, my uncle. She looked at me with disgust, while he wrapped his hand over her shoulder. "Her friend's here. And you don't want her to create a nuisance. Besides, the Mins would want their daughter-in-law to look elegant on her wedding day." He whispered with a smirk. She just looked at me with disgust, walking out of the room along with my uncle. I heard a knock on the door and I quickly responded with a 'Come in." Jane walked in with a smile, but it faded as soon as her eyes met mine.

" Y/n?!" She rushed and picked me up. "Did they hurt you again?!" I was wordless. Though I didn't speak, It was enough for her to understand. After all, she has been my best friend.

"Of course, they did." She said and hugged me tightly.

"Why are you taking all of this? I'll report them Y/n! Let's go." She cried helplessly over my shoulder. I gently patted her back and smiled to myself. "It's over Jane. I'll be gone from them. It's only a matter of a few hours." I tried to convince her.

"Let me get an ice pack for this." She said, pulling back while wiping her tears off.

Just like any other day of my life, she saved me again. Jane was my best friend since high school and the only friend I had. She knew everything about me and how my uncle and aunt tortured me for the slightest mistakes. If only my mom decided not to take those pills, the day my dad left.

I was 10 when they decided to adopt me. It was a legal bond for them to keep me since they had no children. I thought they'd love me. But it was the opposite. They hated my whole existence. Each time I wanted to give up, and end my life. I thought of my mom and didn't want to give up like her. And now, they were getting me married to Min Yoongi, the only son of The Mins. The owners of the largest real estate company in South Korea. They saw me at a party and liked me instantly. My uncle and aunt were sick when it came to money and they didn't think twice before saying 'Yes' to the Mins when they put forth the proposal.

I mean.... wasn't there a catch behind all of this? Why would the richest family in Korea want a daughter-in-law like me who doesn't even have one-fourth of what they own?

Though I had no choice, I simply decided to obey, with the slightest ray of hope of my husband who couldn't possibly be the same as them. He won't, right?

The clock struck three and it was time for me to go out. I slowly walked towards the mirror, holding my long flowy dress up. My cheeks were red with fingerprints on them. I felt something cold touch my cheek, I shrieked. "Shh, it's okay. It's me." Jane gently pressed the pack against my pain. I never even realized that she walked in. "Tell me one thing Y/n..." She now looked at me straight. "Are you ready for this?"

I replied, "Yes."

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