Chapter Two (The Marriage)

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The wedding gown I wore was quite heavy, it had real pearls embedded into it. After all, it was the Mins, who bought the dress for me. I hated the fact that the edges of the dress seemed to brush past everything in its way. The grass, the twigs, etc.

Besides, the dress being really expensive, I would want to keep it for a lifetime. After all, this is what I had been wishing for. To go away from them.

My steps got unsteady by the second and hands began to precipitate. I knew I was about to break down.

I reached out for my uncle's clothed arm without wasting any second.

Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind. Maybe because it was a public occasion. I looked at him hesitantly but he stared right ahead at the Arbor. All eyes were on us as we walked through the midst of the crowd. To be honest, though the transparent wail covered my face I couldn't resist their smiling countenances on me.

We halted right in front of the Pastor. My uncle's hand reached for mine, giving it into someone else's.

I knew it was him.

I didn't reflex or flinch, but slowly went to stand beside his tall figure cautiously holding my small bouquet of white Calla lilies. I kept my head low as the Pastor started to speak. The only things that I could now see were the hem of his white satin shirt and a few rings of letters on his fingers. And one of them particularly had an 'A' with diamonds embedded into it. Filthy rich.Uh-huh

"Now, that we have come to the marriage ceremony's integral part. I request each one of you to stand."

An immediate clatter of chairs followed, with a couple of giggles and whispers.

"Please face each other." The Pastor said, making me look at him. I gasped, once I got a full sight of his ethereal face. He was in one word, perfect. Part of his grey hair covered his forehead, making him more attractive than he already was. The Sun kissing his face didn't help the situation. Our eyes met and I continued to stare. A lot of questions arose in my mind.

Why did you choose me though when I don't match your face or your status?

What are you hiding behind those eyes?

Our gaze broke when the Pastor mentioned the marriage rite. The Pastor took my hand and placed Yoongi's hand on it. He wrapped his hands around ours and spoke, "Do you take Gong Y/n as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I, do." He whispered but it was loud enough for the Priest to hear and continue.

"Do you take Min Yoongi as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I, do," I replied hesitantly. A sudden loud crying sound caught my ear. I noticed that it was my aunt. "Oh no! My Y/n grew so big! I can't." She whimpered while holding a hanky against her nose. My uncle kept rubbing her shoulder, while the others kept patting her back.

What a drama queen! She wouldn't even care if I ate once in a day and now with this behavior...

"Son, you may claim your bride with a kiss." The Pastor smiled at Yoongi and stood aside. Yoongi had no expression on his face. Everyone was waiting eagerly, I waited for five more seconds but he didn't move a bit! It was already past ten seconds since the Pastor asked him to kiss. This is annoying!

My instincts told me he won't ever kiss, so I decided to make a move.

I reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled him down towards my face. When we were nearly inches away, I instantly put the bouquet in the view of the crowd and made them believe that we kissed.

But actually. We didn't. But at least, we weren't embarrassed. Or just me.

There were a series of claps, and cheers after that. I instantly let go of his hand, cause his face was close to mine. I glared at him but he just looked down like I didn't exist at all. Uh-huh, he must be really against this marriage.

I ignored him for the rest of the time until the Pastor prayed and left us. There was nothing much I could. I mean I saw him today. People started coming towards us and greeted us with happy smiles. "You guys are a perfect match! Stay blessed!" A lady wished us and walked off hand in hand with her husband. I thought to myself.

Well, ma'am. I do have a future with this man.

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