Chapter Four (Unforeseen)

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I cautiously stepped on the grass lawn. The ill-maintained lawn and a verdant-colored moss water fountain clearly showed signs of being abandoned. The house was faintly visible due to the lampposts on either side of the pavement. I was just a few meters away from the white stone incarnated vestibule. The exterior of the house was covered with curtain creepers. I couldn't help but watch the place in awe. The sconces were quite elegant than the ones we had back at our home. Examining the place for the fifth time, I decided to get in.

Holding onto the doorknob, I twisted it open. What followed were a couple of creaky noises along with the clinking sound of my heels. Brushing off further thoughts, I desperately searched for the lights. Since it was pitch black inside.

In the deep silence, I heard some footsteps. A shiver ran down my spine.

"Who's there?!"

I raised my voice, trying to be as courageous as possible. The steps got closer. The air around me grew heavier. Stepping backward, I stopped when my hands got laid over something that felt like a wooden desk. I was cornered.

"Y-Yoongi?" I stuttered; the steps stopped right in front of me. My throat went dry. I felt a hot breath against my face along with a musky cologne. It was him. I blinked my eyes a few times to see his face and it was just inches away. His gaze was fixed on me. But I looked down, to avoid him. He moved in closer when my head hit his chest.

"What are you..." I was about to say when his hand reached out for something behind my shoulder. My eyes closed in reflex. Seconds later, I could see everything around me.

I searched for Yoongi but he was already gone upstairs.

"Y-Yoongi..." I called out, but he didn't look back or respond. He disappeared in a wink of an eye.

Such a prodigal son.

The hall was quite magnificent with ornamental décor while the white drapes from each high window touched the floor. I heard some creaking noises above me. Maybe it was Yoongi doing something.

I went around exploring the hall when I found a note stuck on a door. I plucked it out of there and read.

Hi Y/n!

We shifted all of your stuff to this room. Bags, books and suitcases. If you need anything, call on XXXX-XXXX.

Mr & Mrs Min.

Well, I was glad they did shift my stuff and thanked them in my mind. I walked through the door, to find all of my belongings in front of a lavish Romeo poster bed. The room was filled with antique furniture, too much to please my taste in interior décor.

I sighed at the sight and decided to unpack. After an hour, of getting freshened up and putting away stuff, the clock struck 8 in the evening. I picked out my phone and checked for messages but there were no signals. I walked back to the hall to look for a telephone.

To much of my surprise, I found one. I quickly dialled the number from the note and waited for someone to answer.

"Ah, Y/n! You called. Is anything wrong?"

A male voice answered and I knew it was Mr Min.

"Well, Mr Min. I just wanted to know about the network here ..."

I was about to continue when Mr Min interrupted.

"Y/n, don't worry about the food. It's cooked and is in the kitchen. You can choose to eat whenever you want. And since it's countryside you can't really help the network issue. Ill send in someone to fix the tower in this week. Take care Y/n." He hung up even before I could answer.


Since I had didn't need to cook dinner, I decided to take a look around. I climbed up stairs and took silent steps so I didn't alert anyone. I mean there is only person here whom I could alert.

There was narrow passageway. I found couple of doors as I walked through it. The sound of someone playing a piano caught my ear. The last Beethoven's piece. My favorite.

The door was slightly open, so I peeked in. Yoongi was sitting on the grand piano, playing it like there was no one around. His eyes were fixed on it and he carefully tipped his fingers against the keys with grace. The sound coming from each note was just mesmerizing I couldn't help but close my eyes to feel it all. Suddenly, the music stopped.

I opened my eyes and saw Yoongi was staring at me. What the frick!

I stepped away from the door and jolted towards a door right at the end of the hallway. I looked back to see if Yoongi came out but he didn't. I relaxed until I realised the door was opening. I twisted the knob of the door right in front and closed it in a hurry.

I could feel my heart race like hell. He's such a creep.

The room was totally packed with random stuff, full of dust and cobwebs. I trudged through the things that were on the ground. And finally reached a clear space to stand on. Pieces of broken mirrors and piles of brown boxes were stacked up in every corner.

I reached for out for one of the boxes and dusted it a bit. There were a couple of old books, a broken harmonica and some photos. I put the box aside and examined the photos.

They were some family photos of the Mins. I picked out one which had Mr and Mrs Min along with another lady and a small boy who wore a cute red burette, a white shirt with a pair of blue overalls.

It was happy family photo. But who was the one the other woman along with the Mins? Little Yoongi held onto her pinkie finger with a gummy bear smile.

Maybe she's, his aunt?

Should I ask?

No, that's a bad idea.

My stomach started growling so I shoved some of the photos into my pocket and made my way back outside. Silently walking past Yoongi's room, I went down stairs.

Honestly, I didn't want to face him.

Dinner was kept on the table covered. There was macaroni with cheese and some traditional kimchi along with some soju. I quickly served them for myself and started eating when I remembered Yoongi. He must be hungry...

I decided to tell him about the dinner after I finished mine because I didn't know how he would react. After a few minutes, I went up stairs and stood in front of his door. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on it. He didn't answer. I knocked again. There was no answer this time too. I somehow knew he wouldn't come out or respond.

"Dinners in the kitchen if you're hungry." I yelled from outside and hurried downstairs.

I went to my room and got laid on my bed. First, I lost my dad and then my mom. After my uncle and aunt adopted me, I lost my happiness and now, I even lost a perfect life partner. All that I could ever think of right now was him.

Was he normal?

Why wasn't he talking to me?

I sighed and switched the bed lamp on. Slipping the covers over my head, the urge to sleep took over. And I fell asleep.

I felt uneasy while my eyes were still closed. Like someone was watching me sleep. I gulped and slowly opened one of my eyes, to see Yoongi with a knife. WHAT THE HECK!

I couldn't breathe properly anymore.

My heart raced crazily when he started walking towards me. I tried to keep calm. Was he going to kill me with that?

"Oh.... you're asleep huh?"

He knelt down beside the bed, facing me straight.

"You must be really tired walking all the way down here."

He pushed a strand of hair out of my face with a smile on his face.

"Let me give you eternal rest then. Goodbye, my wife." 

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