Chapter 23

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Y/N: "..." = Speaking/Signing

*...* = sound/action

[...] = Translation

November 7th (Saturday, 8:32 AM PST)

Los Angeles, California (???)

Third Person Pov

The morning breeze swept along the mountainside as the sun cast rays of light. Birds flew above and below the mountain with the deers that pranced in the meadows. The nearby waterfall crashing into the rocky surface. The orchestra of nature was commencing its morning performance; however, an interruption ruined everything. The rumbling of a vehicle climbing the side of the mountain diminished the natural vocals of nature. Swirling down the windy roads, the vehicle drove on for an hour until it came to a halt at the top of the mesa. Fifteen people walked out of the vehicle, each with a gift in their arms, some with bouquets. All of them walked towards the overhanging cliff where two people were waiting for them. The seventeen of them talked a little more before a pair of red-heads walked in front of two tombstones.

Y/N: *whispers* "Do you wanna speak first, or do you want me to start it off?"

Sylvie: *whispers* "You can go first."

Y/N: "Alright." *squats down and places his bouquets in front of the tombstones, whispers* "Hey, mom, dad. It's been over a year since I've last visited. I know that I should have visited many times during that time span. I'm really sorry for that. You guys were probably disappointed on Thursday." *Sylvie nudges Y/N* "But, I got it in the end. It took a little convincing, but Principle Var showed me the way. *silently chuckles* "I was idiotic for fulling a stunt like that; you most definitely saw Sylvie battering me. She knocked some sense into me that day, definitely a memory to keep. I just wish that you guys were here with us." *nudges Sylvie*

Sylvie: *waves at the tombstones and whispers* "Hey mom, hey dad! I've been doing really well. School's been amazing and I'm halfway through college. Y/N's been taking care of tuition and he said that he'll be back for a long time. Now that he's under my vision, he's not going anywhere." *Y/N shakes his head* "Y/N and I miss you guys so much." *silent pause* "We love you." *backs off and walks back to the group*

Y/N: *mumbles* "See you all in another life." *pulls out a candle and places it between the tombstones, lights the candle* "May you find happiness and joy in another time." *walks back*

Over the next half-hour, each person paid their respects to the parents of Y/N and Sylvie. 

Principle Var: *takes off his hat* "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. L/N. It's been quite some time since we've seen each other. I've missed our conferences old friends. *pauses* "I know of the issues that Y/N holds within him and I'll try to fix them. He is an amazing young man with an insatiable hunger for intelligence. I already see him as a son and intend to inspire him."

Cyrilla: "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. L/N. Your children are amazing angels. We both know that you would all love to be here with them. Holding their hands as they soar through the skies of heaven. Sylvie's artistic ability and fashion intelligence will form a prodigious career. Y/N has already shown his talent by becoming exceptionally intelligent. Tvan and I will look after them; like you would've with Yen." *Principle Var and Cyrilla walk away*

Yone: *Yone, Jaz, and Qiyana walk up* "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. L/N. It's Yone. I've always seen you two as my unofficial godparents. People that would look after me when my own parents weren't available. I owe a lot to you too and I promise to pay it in full by watching over Y/N and Sylvie." 

Jaz: "Um, it's Jaz, Mr. and Mrs. L/N. I've always looked up to your family as an inspiration for something that I never had. The both of you were always so open about letting Y/N's friends into your family. The amount of inspiring conversations I've had with you, Mr. L/N. All the girl talks I had with you, Mrs. L/N. I won't forget them. I'll be sure to always be there for Y/N and Sylvie, just like they were there for me. Thank you." *bows*

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