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Week past, i already have my volleyball uniform and manager uniform. Im so glad im also manager hehehe.

Now im Nekoma's #14 Middle Blocker, Manager and Queen Cat. Weird but i like it. Queen cat. Sometimes i wear cat ears headband that is really cute huhuhu. (T3T)

The most incrible thing happen to us, are all our movements are connected. Yes connected. We also train our sign like if who are going to spike what move we are going to do etc.

Me and Kenma also train our quick attack.... Wait i should call it ultra quick attack. I also train it with Nekoma's #9 the second setter. Me and Kuroo are always practicing our spike and serve i mean all of us are practicing it but sometimes i teach them some of my attack like lev. Sometimes Lev and Kenma are practicing Lev's spike but unfortunately lev is so hard to learn so sometimes i let kenma rest and i will be the one who will toss to him. I always wait him before tossing the ball.

Coach Nekomata is always remind us that connection is the key to our success and yes we did it. We started it during weekends, sometimes we go to park or malls and bonding. Taketora-kun and Kenma are good to each other now. Kenma is isn't that quiet now.

Whenever we have practice match i always wear something comfortable like crop tops, black running shorts yes they let me use it but after that they always commanding me to wear my jercey jacket so i did. Hmmp.

I also shock when kenma braid my hair but he said he watch it on YouTube so i believe lol ^•^

Sometimes i didn't join their practice match and im doing my other job as a Manager. I wear color read leggings with white stripe and black tshirt also with red stripe. Sometimes if Coach Nekomata and Manabu are in meeting im the one who take their place.

And right now we are here at gym. We sit on the floor while our coach is standing in front of us.

"We are joining to Summer High Volleyball Training Camp " coach Nekomata said

"With whom!?"

"Fukurōdani Academy, Shinzen High, Ubugawa High, and Karasuno High" it caught my attention

"Karasuno tch" they say in unison makes them laugh " we are sharing one thought guys hahahaha " lev said

"Oh oh oh i know what your thinking" Coach nekomata said

"Ahhhh Coach Nekomata is sharing thought with us" Taketora-kun shouted make us laugh again

"Defeat right" Coach added we nod and smirk.


Today is the day were going to place where Training is going to be held.

As expected Nekoma is the first one who arrive first. I excuse myself to sleep cuz my head hurts they allow me and Kenma go with me. I just sleep in my futon while Kenma is sitting beside me while playing video game.


" You know what to do or else her brother will beat you all" coach Manabu said


"Yaku you know what to do " yaku nod and thumbs up

"If someone touch or hurt her ill cut their hands and kick their ass faces" he smirk

"Ok ok so you will start without Kenma and Yourie so Tamahiko you trained privately with Yourie so use it now ok "

"Hai" he smile proudly.

All of us are stronger than before and that is because of Yourie-chan. This is the last game me and Kai are playing with. If we lost that is our end.


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