Sending a Letter

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Chloe - I always wanted to meet Tom Syndicate but my mom would not let me get a twitter or follow him on twitch . So one day I decide to send him a letter by sending it to his friend tucker because he has a po-box and some times tom is in the USA staying at Tucker's so he will get my letter.

Chloe's letter-
Dear, Mr Syndicate
Hi my name is Chloe and I have been a fan of yours since you posted your first video . And I was wondering if you could help me by getting to meet you . But my mom says that I can't follow you on twitch because she said it cost money so I can't , she also said I can't have twitter because she says it's to dangerous because she thinks I will follow random people . I told her I will only follow you tucker and Sonja and, she said I don't know them . I also want to meet you a I54 because you made a video saying you are going and so are tucker and Sonja also other minanite people . So please send me a letter back when you get this.
- Chloe

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