Tom Gets The Letter

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Tucker -
Hey tom there is a letter for you

Tom -
From where ?

Tucker -

Tom -
Wow ! That's a first

Tucker -
I read it all ready it is really heart taking

Tom -
Let me see ....(tom reading Chloe's letter) I think I might be able to help her . She said write her back so I am

Tom writing -
Dear , Chloe I am going to help you get tickets to go to I54 and get you a twitter , follow my twitch and I will make you a mod for twitch and do fan art also make some designs for my shirts
By the way how old are you and do you stay in LA & England for 2 months since you are the biggest fan....:)
- Tom

Tucker - she going to be really happy that you said you are going to help her :)

Chloe - I hope he got my letter , and send me one back saying he will help me :)

~2 Days later~

Chloe's mom -
Chloe there is a letter here for from California LA

Chloe -
Really let me open it ......... Yaaaa he said he will help me and even I can stay with him for two months so I will be there for my birth day in May . that weird he said how old are you pluse he said I make some of his shirt designs :)

I am going to send him a letter back saying thank you and answer some his questions.

Dear, Mr syndicate
I want to say a massive thank you for helping me , and I would be happy to stay with for two months and make some t-shirt designs for you , I am 18 years old turning 19 in May on the 31st please send me back telling me when you will pick me up to go California LA and England with you and what I need to pack. ;)

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