I Am On The Way

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Tucker -
Tom she sened you another letter you might want to read it

Tom -
Ok ...... Reading the letter .....
Great she said yes and she and answered my questions so she is 18 turning 19 okay , she said send her a letter back saying when I am coming to get her .

Tom -
Tucker do you want to come with me to get Chloe tomarrow in Maryland

Tucker -
Sure what time do you want to go

Tom -
6:30 am if that's ok

Tucker -
That's fine

Tom writing -
Dear , Chloe
I will be coming to get you tomarrow you will need to pack warm clothes for England and summer clothes for California LA and other things oh bring your art set, laptop ,headphones , mic, ect . :)

~the next day~
Chloe -
So he said to pack warm and summer clothes okay ...um he also said to bring my art set , laptop set and ect , and he is coming to get me to day I better get packing ......

"Chloe packing "
I am all done now so have to get my self ready to go so I take a shower and do my make up done now let me go tell my mom that Tom is coming to pick me up soon

Chloe -
Mom tom sent me a letter back saying he is picking me up to day to fly to LA and England for two months

Mom -
Okay you know I don't know Tom so when he come to pick you up I have to talk to him .

Chloe -
Okay .... Oh he might be coming with his friend Tucker so you might want to talk to him to .

Mom -

~ Toms plane ride ~
Tucker -
Tom two more hours Intill we get to Maryland

Tom -
Okay ..... I am nervous

Tucker -
Why are you nervous you meet a lot of fans

Tom -
This one is special :)

Tucker -
We are here

Tom -

~ Driving to Chloe's house ~
Tom -
We are at her house . We go and knock on her door her mom answers the door

Mom -
You must be tom and tucker .... come in and

Tom -
We sit and she yells up the stairs saying Chloe tom and tucker are here .

Mom -
Boys I need to talk to you before you guys go . can I ask you do you drink and do you have tattoos if you do and where on your bodies . one more question is your house safe for Chloe to stay there for two months

Tom and Tucker -
We do drink but not a lot and tom has a tattoos on his leg of his syndicate symbol and the house is safe for Chloe to live in for two months

Okay just checking

Chloe -
I am ready to go as I am walking down the stairs . when I get Down I see tom and tucker sitting on the couch with my dog rosey . then Tom and Tucker get up from the couch and walk over to me and say are you ready to go and I say yea let me go say bye to my mom . my mom said call me ever other day and be careful . then I said ok bye and we walk out the door

Tom -
Your mom asked us all these questions .then Chloe said she dose that a lot because she just wants to know if I will be safe . oh ok

Tucker -
We are at the air port

Chloe - ok , I grab my things and lode their privite plan ,and sit between tom and Tucker , tom on my right and tucker . it funny when we all pulled out our laptops and tom asked me if can I draw minatnite fan art and t- shirt designes on my laptop and I yea so he asked if he can watch me draw . I asked him what kind of fan art do you want me to draw or shirt designe , he said draw a team dinanite shirt designe I said ok
- One hour later-
I finished the desingne and Tom said that looked sick so he sened it to his company to make the shirt I just made .Then the 4 hour plane ride to LA was over and we got all of our things and went into Tucker's Car and drove to his house and eat dinner then went to but I don't know where I can sleep so I ask Tom and he said down stairs on the couch by your self or sleep with me and I pick to sleep with him and he says don't worry I sleep with pants and a shirt on and so do I so hoped in bed with tom and instantly feel right asleep then I opened my eyes a little to see if was still awake .but he was sunggled up close me sleeping so I just fell right bake to sleep and wait for the morning.

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