Part 24 : matric farewell

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so in our country it is called a matric farewell but in other countries it is known as Prom, Homecoming etc.

so anyone who knows me and my life knows I don't get along with my mother...

at all...

we haven't even had a proper conversation in the past 4 years...

but today...................................................

out of the blue... something changed!

what happened...

I was doing homework when my mother suddenly called me to her room. Unwillingly i stood up from my chair and walked to her room. As i entered my mother asked me "Do you know what you are going to wear to your matric dance?"

(like WTF?! who ever mentioned it to you!? i haven't even said anything about the dance to  my mother and yet she asked...)

I replied with no.

 ( which is true.... i wanted a 2 piece light blue dress and my nails were already organized to be done by my bestfriend's sister)

so my mother said i had to take the dress in her closet and try it on... IT'S HER WEDDING DRESS......

(funny thing it's light blue and 2 piece.... like TF ?!)

anyway... a little history... i have 2 sisters and both of them excluded my mother from planning their matric farewells... like she wasn't even told about it until they already planned EVERYTHING themselves.... LOL

so my mother gave me her wedding dress to fit on and it fits PERFECTLY........ again... WTF!?

and she said " you can wear that to the dance IF YOU WANT....."

I'm like... sure... its

then she looked at me and with a shakey voice she said.... "I organized your hair and make-up too."


so i went back to my homework and she called me again... like ughghghgh leave me alone... i have homework !!!

she showed me a diamond necklace and earings... "these will look perfect with the dress... if you want to wear these..."


so yeah... we NEVER speak and i said NOTHING about the dance.........

yet she SUDDENLY organized half of everything in less then 2 hours....

so yeah...


thoughts of a weird teenager 2021Where stories live. Discover now