Chapter Two

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Day One:

The next morning...

"See?" I said, looking at Red, who was standing in the bedroom door. "Told you I'd need this."

I'd lived with Daphne long enough to know that an air horn was usually necessary to wake her up. That girl could sleep through anything.

"I was waking up just fine on my own," Daphne grumbled, rubbing her ear, and sitting up in the bottom bunk. "That was so unnecessary. Not very punk-rock of you."
I stepped back, smiling, I had missed the marshmallow and her deep sleep habits. Without being too obvious, I looked over the railing to see if Sabrina was still in the top bunk. It wasn't like I wanted to see her but I also didn't want her to oversleep or something.

"Well, get up." Red said, clearly not noticing that I was looking for Sabrina. "We're going down to the beach at eleven and it's already nine forty-six."


"Daphne?" I asked. "Do you know how to make scrambled eggs?"

Red and Daphne looked at me, both wearing 'are you serious' faces.

"Are you really a sixteen-year-old boy who can't prepare breakfast for himself?" Pinnochio sneered.

"Four thousand and sixteen-year-old," I corrected him. "And the old lady always makes them for me. I guess I just never learned. "

"I'll show you how to make them." Sabrina waltzed through the back door, in a bikini, already looking more tan than the day before.

My eyes widened at her body, but I tried not to let it show. I glanced at the table and saw Red and Daphne share a look.

"O-Okay, yeah, you can show me." I stuttered.

"So first, you have to..." Sabrina started saying.

My eyes drifted down to her blue bikini, I noticed that the color brought out her eyes and I wanted to say something. But I'd wait till we were alone. Before I could register anything she was saying, she handed me an egg.

"Crack it..." She motioned to the bowl that had been put in front of me.

She looked a lot different than the last time I had seen her in a bathing suit the summer before. She looked good, and I wanted to tell her, but not with a bunch of sixth-graders in the room. I also didn't want to make her mad, like she usually did, anytime I tried to compliment her.

"Puck!" She snapped. "Can you stop looking at my boobs and pay attention? I said, after you crack the egg, you mix it with salt and pepper, and-"

Daphne burst out laughing, spilling her cereal in the process.

"Shhh!" Pinnochio grumbled. "You're always so loud, Daphne!"

I watched Red shoot him a disapproving look, and the boy sheepishly looked down at his bowl of oatmeal. I needed to find out what was going on between them.

"Daphne, come get a paper towel and wipe that up," Sabrina ordered

Lord, she was hot when she was bossy.

"You can use a fork," Sabrina added. "But I like to use a whisk because it makes them less gummy."

I liked it when she was in a good mood like she was today. I liked seeing her happy. Her eyes got really bright and her cheeks always did this glowing thing. But it was also fun when she was mad.

"Like this?" I asked as I grabbed the whisk.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you caught on this quickly, with your one brain cell and all." I ignored her rude comment as she patted me on the back.

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