Chapter Eight

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Day Five:

The next day...

I was sitting next to Sabrina on the couch. Daphne, Red, and Pinocchio were all upstairs. It was raining, yet again, so the fact that Sabrina couldn't be in the sun didn't really matter. She told me her skin was feeling better, and that she thought the antihistamines were helping. I didn't know exactly what had happened but I was just glad she wasn't mad at me anymore, I needed to ask her something.

"Brina, do you still wanna go to dinner with me? Tonight, or something. There's this sushi place, I heard it was good." I had no idea what she'd say.

I hadn't brought it up since the night we had gotten here. I crossed my fingers under my leg.

She turned to look at me. "Really?"

"I mean if you want. I was just wondering if you'd even want to go anymore." I scratched my neck. "But, if you still want to we-"

"Yeah," She cut me off. "I'd love that."

I smiled, surprised she still wanted to.

"Wait, Puck," Sabrina said.

My heart dropped.

"Yeah?" I asked, hoping she hadn't changed her mind.

"What are we gonna do with Red, Pinocchio, and Daph?"
I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, Pinocchio's two hundred-something years old, and Red's, like, eight hundred, so I'm sure they can watch Daphne."

Sabrina laughed. I loved when she laughed. Her eyes always did this thing where they got sparkly.

"Okay, I'll just tell Daph we got her some babysitters." She giggled.

"Babysitters?" I heard Daphne angrily call from upstairs. "Guys, I'm thirteen, I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself."
"We're just kidding!" Sabrina yelled.

"Okay!" Daphne replied. "Do you guys wanna play a game?"

I shared a look with Puck. I wondered what type of 'game' she was talking about.

"Yeah," Puck answered before I could ask.


The five of us sat in a misshapen circle, in the loft.

"Since it was my idea, the first round gets to be mine." Daphne said, sounding like a drill sergeant.

We all agreed that it would be fair to let her go first.

"Okay, two truths and a lie." Daphne clapped her hands together. "I never eat people's leftovers, I've been locked in a basement for two weeks, and..."

She looked around the circle.

"I've already had my first kiss."

"It's two truths and a lie, not two lies and a truth." Sabrina said.

Red, Pinnochio and I all nodded in agreement.

"I know." She said, rolling her eyes. "That's why I told two truths."

Red looked at her uncomfortably and began fiddling with her shirt pocket.

"Daph, you told me the other day you hadn't had your first kiss." She said quietly.

"Yes, I have." I watched as her face turned bright red.

I knew she hadn't. I had heard her and Red whispering about it.

Tell Me You Love MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora