4. Such A Gentleman

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We all walked down the hall and into the elevator. It was so awkwardly silent that I almost laughed. Thankfully it only lasted about thirty seconds until we were in the lobby.

"Are we riding in your car?" my mother asked.

"No, I thought it would be nice to walk.  Don't worry it will only be about ten minutes!" he smiled.

We then walked out of the hotel and onto a bustling Chicago street.  Sebastian kindly offered me his arm and I took it.  We walked a bit ahead of my parents and I was glad for the breathing room. We weaved through the people all going different places, with different outfits, and at different speeds.  It was sort of magical in a way.  His strong arm guiding me gracefully as we walked.

"I have always liked walking around in big cities." he sighed.  "There are so many people that you get lost and it's like being a ghost.  You can watch people going through the motions, and they never even know you were looking." he slowly gazed at the crowd like it was art.

"It's poetic in way" I held his arm tighter "like a masterpiece that probably looks different through every individual person's eyes" I added looking up at him.

"I like that!" he smiled.  "Different through every individual's eyes.."

A few minutes later and we were just reaching the museum. My parents had caught up, so we all walked in. Of course Sebastian graciously bought us all season passes.

"You are probably going to be spending a little more time in Chicago so if you want to come back you can!" he excitedly handed out our cards.

Our new passes were scanned, and we entered the first exhibit. Again, he and I walked ahead arm in arm. That's when I noticed that there weren't very many other people.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked confused.

"This is a smaller museum here. As you can see it is mostly about music and artists from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The first time I came to Chicago I stumbled across it and fell in love, but sadly it was close to closing down. So, a few friends and I donated some money to get it redone and it is busy all the time now. But, whenever I want to come by they put on the website that there will be a lot of school group tours coming. Then, practically no one shows up!" he laughed in a slightly guilty way. "This place means the world to me, and I am so grateful that they help me still see it like normal person."

"That is really amazing!" I said beginning to look around. There were jazz exhibits, rock exhibits, songwriter exhibits and lots more.

As we walked he pointed out artists he had listened to as a kid in Romania, and his favorite jazz heroes. I talked about how my mom had raised me on Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan. We talked about how music, film, and literature were all intertwined and how they interacted with each other. Then, we got to an exhibit where you could sing karaoke. We both got on the stage and sang Don't Go Breaking My Heart for my parents.  That was until we were laughing so much at our hideous voices that we couldn't sing anymore.

He seemed like a totally extroverted guy, but I could tell that he probably felt most comfortable with just a few people around. Friends to bring him out of his shell and open up. Too much craziness and he would probably go back inside his own head.

When we got to the last exhibit it was beautiful. The theme was the power of love songs, and it looked like a prom setup straight out of 1983. There was also some music playing over a tiny dance floor to really bring it home.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked suddenly taking my hand.

"Sure." I smiled.

We started to dance and I will admit that I got butterflies from being that close to him.

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