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Four days ago was the first day louis came into the shop. He's so beautiful. Ive been leaving notes on his coffees to make sure he knows how beautiful he is. Every day he comes in around 9 in the morning and draws in his sketchbook, he stays almost all day, and leaves around 6pm. I never know what hes drawing but im sure hes great at it considering everything i know about him is great. Which really I dont know much about him but i want to learn all i can about him, he really intrigues me. Ive ranted to my mate, liam about him and he seems to understand but he thinks im obsessing a little too much, which even if i was, i have reason for christs sake hes gorgeous! I hope someday he really talk to me, not just order his coffee.

coffee cups☕ l.sWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu