
14 2 3

Same day as last note

I walked into the same coffee shop i always go to draw. Today, though, i had tears threatening to start falling again and you could tell i had been crying earlier. I had a dream about my mum, who died a few years back, so i havent had the best day. The curly headed boy behind the counter always seems to cheer me up, he writes these little notes and they're so cute. Sometimes i wonder if im the only one he writes them for though. I used to think he did that for everyone, but i havent seen him do that for anyone else, weird. Though i dont mind. today the note read:

I wish that I could take you to the stars, I'd never let you fall and break your heart and if you wanna cry or fall apart I'll be there to hold ya

Oh, he must've noticed im more sad than usual today, but why would he notice, or care?

I had already got out my pencils and sketchbook, but i dont know what to draw. I glance up at curly and his eyes meet my tear filled ones. I smile thankfully at him, his note made me feel a lot better, and he smiles back showing off his dimples. Dimples. DIMPLES. i have never seen him smile enough to show them but they are just the cutest thing ever. I smile even wider. Suddenly i have an idea of what to draw. Him. Of course! How have i not drawn him yet? Hes beautiful. So i start my sketch glancing up at him once in a while. A few times he catches my eye, he looks a bit confused and flustered when it happens though, i just blush and look away. He probably thinks im a creep.

I leave at my normal time, 6pm and i leave a generous tip, as usual, and i leave the drawing of curly along with it. I hope he likes it.

coffee cups☕ l.sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ