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After the little moment this morning when louis smiled at me, and i smiled back of course, i have been so happy. It was almost like he silently thanked me for todays note. Which i hoped he would like, it made me so sad seeing those tears in his eyes, it was literally heart breaking.

Its now a little after 6, louis leaving time, so i went over to collect any tip he left -he was always a generous tipper, that one- though to my surprise, along with the tip, there was a drawing. I finally get to see one of louis drawings! I grabbed the tip and stuffed it into my pocket. Then i grabbed the drawing and holy hell its a beautifully realistic drawing of me (dimples and all). I knew he would be good but this drawing, its so good! I cant even describe. I will cherish this drawing for ever and ever. And with a smile i walk home for the day.

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