"You ready, Harold? It's finally time. You have to face a dragon. Goodness. C'mere." Brianna wrapped Harry in a hug. Ron looked as if he wanted to say something, but he quickly shoved his face with chicken. Hermione then wrapped the bespectacled boy in a hug, while Ron watched, a flicker of jealousy on his eyes. Brianna gulped.

She looked physically fine and stable on the outside, but on the inside, she was shaking. She was worried for her OWLs, as well as for Harry.  She knew he could do it. She was just hoping he didn't get hurt in the process. She reached into her pocket and felt the cold, hard rings of the Time-Turner. She glanced at the Hufflepuff table briefly, and she saw Cedric and Alena watching her. She turned her head fully and waved at them. They forced smiles on their faces. She got up and walked to them.

"Ced, you will do fantastic. Don't even worry. We will all be here, cheering you on. You will do fantastic." She hugged the boy. He gratefully returned it. Brianna's hugs were always the best. It was a known fact. She always wore the comfiest sweaters, and to hug her was like hugging a Teddy Bear.

"I'm not super worried about facing a dragon. It's you I'm worried about. Using a time turner to go back in time and take your OWLs? Knowing that only the teachers and the examiners know? And then taking your astronomy exams tonight? You will be
exhausted." Cedric sighed. Alena nodded her head.

"I'm not even worried about you forgetting anything. I'm worried about how the stress will impact you." Alena poked the girl's cheek. She grinned.

"Oh Stop. I'll do fine. I barely sleep anyways. And you should be worrying about Ced, not me." Brianna shook her head, grinning at the two Hufflepuffs.

Suddenly, someone's area wrapped around her. She yelped and elbowed the person. The person groaned, and Cedric and Alena laughed.

"Bri! It's only me!" Austin rubbed his stomach. Brianna's eyes widened.

"Oh Austin, I'm so sorry! I didn't know who you were and my reflexes got the best of me!" She chuckled nervously. Austin lightly punched her.

"That's what I get for sneaking up on a superhuman," he replied, trying to keep a straight face. She blushed.

"I'm not a superhuman. I just have lots of strength and agility, really quick reflexes, I'm fast, I'm working to become an animagus, and I am a talented witch. Ok, maybe I have superhuman qualities, but I get that because my dad was an experiment and my mum was a witch." Brianna sighed. Cedric rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. You're superhuman. Change my mind." Alena huffed. Brianna rolled her eyes, wished Cedric good luck, and went back to the Gryffindor table.

"What were you and those Hufflepuffs chatting about?" Hermione asked. Ron was eating his food sombrely, while Harry was swarmed with people wishing him good luck.

"I have a big test later. They're just wishing me luck." Brianna replied absentmindedly, munching on a Treacle Tart. She didn't realize what she said until Hermione choked on her food. Brianna's eyes widened and she froze.

"A test? What kind of test? Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you study! What is it for!" Hermione cried, dropping her cutlery on the table and standing up. She pressed her hands on the table on either side of her and leaned forward so she was closer to Brianna. Brianna avoided eye contact.

"Erm, I am, uhh. Ugh. The truth. Pinky Promise not to tell anyone?" Brianna mumbled. Hermione gulped, but linked pinkies with Brianna.

"So, I may be taking my OWLs later today... using a time turner..." Brianna bit her lip. Hermione shrieked, and everyone in the hall froze and looked at her. Then they all turned to Brianna, whose face was bright red and who was biting her lip.

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