Brianna grasped hands with Hermione.

"We can do this. Oh Godric. I can't do this. Hermione let's go." Brianna said, turing around and leaving.

"Nu uh. No so fast missy. Get back here! C'mon! Your prince charming is waiting at the bottom of the stairs for you. You wouldn't want to ditch lil Georgie, now would you?" Hermione cocked an eyebrow. Brianna stuck her tongue out. Hermione mocked her. Brianna rolled her eyes but walked back towards the staircase.

They linked arms and strode towards the stair case. They paused and took a deep breath, and continued forward. Hermione peeked her head around the side of the stairs.

"Ok. George and Vik alert. We got this. You first. No actually... let's go together." Hermione smiled nervously. Brianna mirrored her expression. Then she nodded. The two took a huge breath and started down the stairs, watching the people turn to them and gasp. No one could see their tattoos yet, but they could see something on their shoulder.

George was facing away from the stairs, one hand behind his back, and he was talking to himself, practicing what he was going to say. Viktor looked up and saw Hermione. His face broke into a huge boyish grin. George saw this out of the corner of his eye and turned to look at who the pro quidditch player's date was. That's when he saw her. Brianna smiled and waved shyly. He couldn't breath.

The girls got to the bottom of the stairs and hugged and kissed each other on the cheek.

"Go get him tiger!" Brianna whispered. Hermione giggled.

The two girls parted. Brianna made her way over to George, who was still trying to catch his breath.

"Cajowimappsm39&:&$*\+msomawim" he said. Brianna laughed. "Yes I agree. We should go."

She linked their arms together and pulled him towards the Great Hall. That's when he saw the tattoo. He stopped abruptly. Brianna we pulled back.

"Holy Crap! You have a tattoo? Oh my godric, let me see! C'mere!" He cried. She rolled her eyes and prodded the dragon. It moved and tried to bite her finger. George gasped.

"It even moves? How many more do you have! Where else do you have them." he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. She smacked his arm.

"I have one more on my wrist. See? matching with Hermione." She grinned as George's eye brows rose in surprise.

"Hermione Granger got a tattoo? And by the looks of it, also a haircut?" He said. Brianna nodded, beaming.

"2 tattoos to be precise."

George shook his head and pulled the girl
into the hall. Brianna admired the beautiful decorations. She looked around for familiar faces. When she caugh sight of Draco, she burst  into laughter.

"Dray's date is Parkinface? Puh-lease. I feel bad for him. Oh by the way Georgie, I promised Dray I'd dance with him... I hope that's ok?"

George nodded. He looked around for his brother, who was entering with his date, Angelina.

"Hey I'm gonna go talk to my brother. I'll be back." He whispered. Brianna nodded and walked towards Draco and Pansy.

"Hello my flowers." she sang. They turned to her. Draco looked over every part of her, admiring each and every inch, stopping at her shoulder.

"WOAH? A TATTOO? LET ME SEE THAT!" he gasped, moving her hair so he could see the tattoo.

"Woah, that's cool, Rogers. Like, really cool. Did it hurt?" Pansy asked. Brianna shook her head.

"Not really, no. It kind of stung. And I've been stung by bees many times so I was ok."

Pansy nodded. Draco smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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