"Well Hermione! You're a girl!" Ron whispered during study block on Sunday.

"Well spotted." she rolled her eyes.

"Come with me to the ball then." Ron grinned. Harry rolled his eyes, and Brianna growled.

"And Bri can go with Harry!"

Brianna stood up, as did Hermione.

"I'll have you know, someone has already asked us. And we have said yes." Hermione snapped, and she gave her paper to Professor Snape. Brianna huffed.

"Even if I didn't have a date, I still wouldn't go with you. I am no ones last resort." Brianna hissed, shoving her books in Snape's hand and then leaving.

"Poor girls." Ron murmured. Harry nodded.

Brianna ran after Hermione.

"I am no ones last resort! And even if they don't believe us, we already have dates. Those stupid boys. Rude, obstinate jerks. Does he really think I'm that ugly that I can't get a date?" Hermione cried. Brianna wrapped her arm around the girl.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Who cares? I know you do, but ignore the filthy Weasley's words. It shouldn't matter to you. I know it does, but it shouldn't. His opinion had no effect over you. Except it does to you... IM NOT EVEN HELPING OH MY GODRIC. Let me retry. What he thinks of you does not define you. Don't change yourself for him. You are Hermione Granger. Witch Extraordinaire! The brightest witch of your age! Hermione, don't let a stupid boy degrade you. Some males can be absolute cows. They don't u d'état and how one little word can ruin a girl. We have such high self esteem and the males so often dissolve it. And the males say they have it hard." Brianna ranted. Hermione giggled.

"Honestly, we just should ditch our dates and go together. We would shake the foundations of the school." Hermione laughed, and Brianna joined in.

"Sadly, I would not want to ditch my date. Fred would bust my ass if I ditched his twin at the Yule Ball. And George is like, George. He is just awesome. And before you say anything, we are just going as friends. I had no date, he had no date. He asked me just as I was about to ask him. I didn't even have to think when I  answered. But why do I have a nagging feeling that I should have gone with Draco?" Brianna whined. Hermione shrugged.

"I don't know. You will find out someday. Or maybe not. I don't know. I'm not helping either. Speaking of finding out, have your OWLs results came back?" Hermione asked excitedly. Brianna grinned.

"As a matter of fact, they came back this morning. I was waiting to open them with you!" Brianna reached into her satchel and pulled out the envelope. She slowly opened it, building the suspense.

"Oh for Merlin's sake Bri, just open it!" Hermione cried. Brianna complied.

Brianna Stephanie Lili Rogers

Charms: O
Transfiguration: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Potions: O
Herbology: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
History of Magic: P
Study of Ancient Runes: E
Astronomy: O

Brianna breathed a breath of relief, whereas Hermione shrieked.

"Five OWLs? I bet i will only get 1! Brianna you did excellent! My goodness! You have the ball, and then we have to start studying for your NEWTs! And then after that, it's your finally exam, your apparation test, your animagus registering, and then your done. How are you going to survive. How will I survive. I need to help you with this. Or I'll fail as a friend. Oh no. Brianna, what if we die? Oh my goodness." Hermione started to hyperventilate, and Brianna started to laugh at her friend, entering hysteria after all the stress. At that moment, Fred and George walked out of the Great Hall, snickering. They stopped, once they saw Hermione hyperventilating, on the verge of passing out, and Brianna, laughing like she was insane. Fred and George shared a look.

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