✎... First kiss

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╰❥  This guy doesn't know what he's doing tbh

╰❥ You're the one to initiate the kiss. He'd be too surprise to kiss back so you end the kiss to not make it too awkward.

╰❥ Would be a blushing mess, he'd also keep on stuttering, he wouldn't even look at you.

╰❥ Hobin would think about what happened for a week or two and be all flustered. Hell, even the mention of your names makes him all blushy.

╰❥ You should go visit him since he's most probably gonna ignore you without meaning to. He's just a shy little bean.


╰❥ He's the type of guy who's all talk and can't do sh!t. He's too much of a pvssy to initiate anything so you'd have to man up and do it yourself.

╰❥ He'd act cool and as if the kiss wasn't a big deal even though his face is redder than a tomato.

╰❥ He's actually dying out of happiness. I just imagine him having a dog tail wagging profusely behind him.

╰❥ This little sh!t would brag about how "he kissed you" to the Hobin Yoo company. They probably wouldn't believe him though lol

╰❥ Would buy you flowers the next day, he got nervous and chickened out so he just left the lowers in front of your door.


╰❥ Y'all have that one cliché kinda kiss where you both sat on the green grass whilst watching fireworks at night.

╰❥ The kiss was short and sweet. Bomi was kind of flustered but happy nonetheless.

╰❥ Once she gets home, I can picture her laying on her bed with a pillow covering her face. She keeps on rewinding the memory of your first kiss together, I can also imagine her squealing every now and then as she punches her bed.

╰❥ She'll text or call you more after that and feel more comfortable around you if that makes sense?

╰❥ She keeps smiling to herself for a few days, some of her co-workers started to get curious of as to why she's been more cheerful lately.


╰❥ She's flustered asf. I mean who wouldn't be if someone as gorgeous as you kissed them?

╰❥ Just like Jihyeok, she'd act like it didn't bother her the slightest bit until the end of the day.

╰❥ Remember that episode where she was in her room beating the living hell out of her cat plushie? Yeah, she's gonna be like that but 3× more extreme.

╰❥ Would start blushing whenever someone mentions your name or when she sees you. She's gonna avoid you the next day but will act like she didn't if you confront her about it.

╰❥ She'd give you one of those herbal drinks and subtly threaten you to drink it lol


╰❥ I don't know who initiates the kiss, it depends on how bold you are.

╰❥ He would look a bit flustered, his ears are red and he keeps on rubbing the back of his neck.

╰❥ He wouldn't really have that much reaction shown on his face but deep inside, he's exploding with happiness.

╰❥ He subconsciously touches his lips whenever he thinks of you and would sometimes smile to himself.

╰❥ a day after, he would ask you out on another date and tell you that he always has fun when you guys are together.


╰❥ This b!tch@ss straight up pushed you into a wall and leaned towards you for a kiss because "He felt like it."

╰❥ Once he pulls off of you, he'd have that stupid smirk on his face. Please kick him.

╰❥ Would probably cling on to you more without him realizing. If you're shorter, he will use your head as an arm rest and if you're taller he would hug you from behind and put his head on your shoulder.

╰❥ He wouldn't stop teasing you about how "you looked cute" after your first kiss. You should really kick him on his baby maker.

╰❥ Taehun will start to kiss you on the cheek, neck, forehead, head, you name it. He will do it just to see your reaction. He just can't get enough of teasing you so you have to get use to his surprise kisses.


A/N: Hey hey hey!

So I decided to stop procrastinating and update this book! I'm just really happy since Haikyuu is gonna be featured on Animax this 27th. This is kinda how I "celebrate" it, writing another headcanon.

I didn't proofread or edit this yet so feel free to point out any mistakes.

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