✎...²How you met

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(This is a bit of a better version of the first one)


—You guys met when Gaeul asked you to hang out with her and a few other friends.

—When you agreed, she basically dragged you to where the 2nd year classes were.

—Hobin thought you were pretty.

—He would be sneaking glances at you.

—And when you caught him, his face erupts in a blush and he'd look away embarrassed.

—After some time, he would start to feel comfortable and start talking to you normally.

—Eul made a groupchat with you four in it and that's how Hobin found out your number.


—It was a totally random meeting tbh.

—You guys bumped into each other in the hallway like those cliché romance dramas but without books falling or one ended up on top of the other.

—You guys apologized to each other and about to go on your separate ways when your eyes landed on the camera he's holding

—You got curious and asked if he's a vlogger or something

—Jiksae brightened up at the mention of it and started to explain how the camera works and that he's a cameraman for the channel "Viral-hit"

—Your topic drifted from the original one and now y'all are besties.

—You asked for his number s̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶u̶s̶s̶y̶

—Since then the two of you became close.


—You just got out of Star Coffee after ordering your favourite drink and chatting with Jace for a bit when you saw a drunk man harrasing Bomi.

—You ran towards the two of them and shouted,


—Once you've reached them, you went in front of her and shielded her from the man.

—The man was pissed and tried to punch you.

—You managed to dodge since he was slow plus him being drunk wasn't helping him.

—You quickly opened your half-empty drink and threw it ar him.

—You quickly grabbed Bomi's wrist and ran away from the man.

—The two of you stopped after awhile and you asked if she was alright.

—After checking if Bomi didn't had any injuries, she invited you to a café nearby as a thank you and exchange for the drink you threw at the man.

—Y'all just instantly clicked and exchanged numbers.


—You just transferred to a new school as a 2nd year. You got the same class as Snapper and Hobin and quickly became friends with them.

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