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The tiny hands grope to try and grasp the bottle in front of his face, flapping his little tail from side to side. Technoblade raises an eyebrow at the clumsy movements of the creature in his arms. A couple of weeks have passed, maybe four or five, in which life has been a cycle of wandering around biomes with a baby in his arms, staying in a village or monument, and repeating the routine of feeding, cleaning and sleeping. Luckily, the enderman youngling seems to become more and more independent, as its species nature begins to show itself, still acting like a newborn and unable to do much, but quite awake and alert most of the time.

"If you keep on like this, I won't need to find someone to take care of you, you're going to raise yourself." Although inexplicably that idea makes him feel something strange. Something...

He is not getting attached to that baby. It's just the idea of... of... of...

Waste! Yes, the thought of throwing away all the objects he had gathered for him that makes him feel that way. Technoblade hates wasting things, if that baby wasn't around he would have to get rid of all the trash he carries around for him. And that's something he doesn't want, he spends to much time and effort colleting milk, bottles and cloth. Until then, he must continue to endure the worst part of the entire experience. Changing diapers.

Ugh. At least he should be grateful, for his mob origin and apparently little or no humanity, the creature is not as delicate as a human baby or one of those strange villagers' babies would be (although to the latter he has to recognize how practical and efficient it is the fact that they learn to walk as young as they do. This baby, on the other hand, still looks a long way from even beginning to crawl).

The baby's needs to eat and change of diapers is not as demanding as he had imagined. A bottle of milk every few hours, then a change here or there and then he's just as good as new. The enderman proves not to be too much of a hindrance. Technoblade appreciates it.

The piglin picks up the bottle once it is empty, watching the baby click a few times to finish tasting the milk. Also, that little mob seems to have an inexhaustible arsenal of sounds, each time it seems to have some new exclamation that Technoblade hasn't heard before. Purrs, clicks, vwoops, hums, warbles, chirps, and even Technoblade thought he heard a grunt coming from him once, a sound he knows to be characteristic of his own species in the Nether. Perhaps the enderman heard it from Technoblade himself, although he doesn't recall uttering such noise in a long time.

In short, all those and how many more sounds that appear as the blurry gaze start getting less and less blurry. Because endermen have very keen vision, not to mention completely dark-adapted, unlike Technoblade, whose eyes seem faulty and seeing at a distance is a very difficult task. His own race possesses poor vision as part of their identity. In the Nether there isn't much to see in fact, beyond the lava and the netherrack, their vision is not designed to see into the distance. (He can at least make up for it with a fairly developed sense of smell).

For his part, the enderman on his lap sometimes fixes his gaze on something, something that may be so far away that Technoblade cannot see more than a blurry spot or not even that, and follows it obsessively with his gaze, never leaving it until something else distracts him, or the hybrid's voice attracts his attention again.

Another reason to want to keep that baby. With such a sharp, dark-adapted vision it can serve as a personal spyglass and second look at night for someone who can barely see beyond a few meters. But his vision is of little use if he cannot communicate what he sees. Technoblade wonders when will he learn to speak. Or whether he will even do it. He supposes that endermen can speak, as well as the piglins do it in their own language (which he of course manages to understand and speak). Probably, as he isn't part of the species, he cannot understand them, just as the endermen may not understand the piglins.

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