Poor Catrina (With Catrina De Mew, Clawdeen Wolf and Notepad)

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[Kreative-Kitty13 is online]

[Fierce101 is online]

Fierce101: Hey Catrina, how are you doing?

Kreative-Kitty13: Hey, Clawdeen. Okay I guess. I've been seeing a therapist lately so I should be fine.

Fierce101: Are you sure that it really happened?

Kreative-Kitty13: Yes!! Right after I logged off, I heard a voice say "Now lets agree for you to never be creative again". Then I saw a girl in a white dress with rain clouds and leaves and oranges on it holding a knife covered in dried blood and paint. Her arms were all black and looked like they were melting! I think that girl I talked to on here is trying to kill me!!

Fierce101: I'm pretty sure it was nothing.

Kreative-Kitty13: And Im pretty sure it wasnt and that it really happened!

[GetCreative is online]

Kreative-Kitty13: OH MY GHOUL ITS HER!!!

[Kreative-Kitty13 is offline]

GetCreative: Hello, you must be Clawdeen Wolf.

Fierce101: How do you know my name?!?

GetCreative: I know lots about you, like how you dont believe Im real.

Fierce101: What?? You're joking, who are you really? Clawd, is that you??

GetCreative: No, Im not your brother. My name is Notepad and Im the girl who appeared to Catrina. ;-)

Fierce101: WHAT!? No, that cant be!!

GetCreative: Also, I'd like you to met my friend, Pinkiamena.

[LIFE-IS-A-PARTY is online]

LIFE-IS-A-PARTY: Oh, lookie here! Notepad, dont you think she'd make great cupcakes?

Fierce101: Cupcakes!? What are you talking about!?!?

GetCreative: I was thinking the same thing!

LIFE-IS-A-PARTY: *giggles and sharpens knives*

GetCreative: *smiles*

[Fierce101 is offline]

GetCreative: Lets Get Creative...

LIFE-IS-A-PARTY: .....Cus Life Is A Party

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