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Hi, I'm Sahara. Yes, yes, the daughter of Amber and Serpent, you know everyone tells me I'm so lucky to have such famous parents, well you know what, it's not all that great, I mean sure I've heard stories about there adventures, but come on, they don't sound that great. *Sigh* Aunt Snow Leopard keeps reminding me to 'think positive' but what's the point? Anyway.... you probably want to hear my epic story, uh? Well there is none! So why don't you close this book right now, and we can both be on our
mary way.

I told you to leave!

Fine, if you really want to hear a story then I'll give you one....

One full moon, I was born, I still remember it well, I woke to my brother beside me, the adorable, Icewing looking dragonet he was, my mother picked me up first, giving me kisses, or what ever. And my father picked up my brother. They both laughed at his weird looking blue and yellow spikes, he even has a hint of red.

Such a weird dragonet don't you think? But no, he's actually the perfect little thing, but me, nope, just your regular none special dragonet over here.

Let's see, I don't have fire scales, nor fire proof, and I'm not even an animus, but to be far neither is my brother, but...dragons just love him.

Oh boo who, I'm so sad, my brothers more loved then me. No! I'm not the type to do that, just keep in mind, my brothers the perfect dragonet, so right now, your about to read the worst story you've ever heard of, or you can go find my brothers side of the story.

Are you still here?
Say something if your here.....

Oh great, you know your really stubborn.

So I'm assuming you want me to continue? Fine.

So now I'm about to turn 6 along with my twin brother.

And he some how convinced me to try out for Jade Mountain, so yeah. You may be reading the story of a great dragon to come! Go get the confetti am I right.

Yeah no, I can guarantee you this story, will not be epic! Nor heart warming! And it definitely doesn't have character development.

So this is your LAST chance scavenger to turn back!

Wow...your still here?! Well if your that motivated to read my story....then fine you can wait for the next chapter.

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