Chapter 4

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Sahara grabbed her helmet, and quickly put it on her head.
Grabbing a book.
She quickly ran down the hallway, connecting to the main hive.
And made her way to a crowded circle, in the middle was a pedestal, the Queen stood on it, along side with about 5 other guards.

Sahara pushed through the crowed, and handed the book to the Queen's advisor, Anasa.
She nodded, and handed it to the Queen.
The Queen slowly opened the said book, and read through it.

With one flick of her tail, the whole crowd went silent.

"My advisor has chosen 10 dragons to specipze in the mission, in getting rid of the green monsters." The crowed gasped.

"Now. I will read out the names, and you will come forward if you are called, if you are called consider yourself....special." She growled, as if trying to push out the word.

"Hmm, Ant." A male hivewing with almost complete black and red scales came up.

"Beetle." A female hivewing sprinted up to the crowd, her snout was completly black, but the rest of her body yellow.
The Queen continued to read off of the list.
And Fireant." The Queen closed the book.

"All of you, meet your new General, Sahara." The Queen gestured to her, Sahara held her head high, trying to make herself look not as scared as she felt.

What am I? Afraid of stupid hivewings, I'll be off of this island in no time. She smiled, thinking of seeing her family again.

The Queen closed the book.

"General Sahara. Escort these souldiers to the training field. Good luck." She grinned.

Queen Centipede gracefully walked off of the podium, mumbling something well she did so.

"You'll need it." She laughed to herself.

Sahara ignored her.
And flicked her tail, signaling the chosen hivewings to follow.

They all made their way to the field, some hivewings slower then the rest:

How does she expect me to train these dragons, some are twice my size!
She thought to herself.

She stood infront of them, some stumbling over, trying not to run into her.

"I'm a row." Sahara growled.
They all lined up.

Sahara started to pace infront of them.

She cuaght eye of Douber starring at her way to friendly as she would like.

She ignored him.
"Consider yourself lucky, for you will be the hivewings to capture the green monsters, once and for all!"
Sahara cheered.
The rest of the hivewings cheered with her, but one, Douber.

Sahara narrowed her eyes.
"Enough." She sighed.

"Now, everyone." She growled.

"Ant and owl. You will be the stealth group, the group to spy on those...monsters."
Douber scuffed.
Sahara glared at him.
"Do you have something to say?!" She hissed.

Douber came forward.
"If anyone is to be the stealth group I would suddgest Buzz and Yellowjacket."
Sahara breathed out smoke.

"Fine." She flicked out her stinger, showing him, attempting to slightly threaten him.
He didn't even flinch.
"Now if this" He looked around "is done, I have somewhere to be."
Sahara snorted, she was not going to let this-this hivewing talk her around.

"Huh, fine go." She hissed.
"Die in the field!." She yelled.
"See if I care." She angrily mumbled.

Douber rolled his eyes.
And flew off.
Leaving the 9 to uncomfortably walk off.

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