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updating cuz i feel like it :"

-*Derek's P.O.V.*-

"hello? i'm here you know?" Stiles said while me and my family talked leaving him out. "you know i know about were wolfs" with that my whole family's body's tensed up "still? ugh! okay!" i could tell Stiles was getting upset. i looked into Laura's eyes who were already looking at me "well?" i heard Stiles ask in annoyed tone "how do you know?' "MY BEST FRIEND IS A FUCKING TRUE ALPHA FOR GODS SAKE" Stiles snapped at my mom and my dad let out a growl slip trough he's lips "wait you best friend is Scott McCall?" he nodded at her "Mieczyslaw" my mom said and Stiles looked at her in shock and he's eyes teared up "wha- who- who are you?!" i could hear Stiles heart jumping up and down rapidly "Claudia was my best friend" my mom and that made my head snap her direction "she told me to look over you... when she knew that she didn't have much time left..."  My mom said with.. shame.. in her voice "what? w- why haven't i've seen you then?" Stiles asked tears still slipping down he's cheeks "c'mon let's leave the two of them for a bit" my dad said and my mom nodded. we left the room and went to the kitchen.

-*Stiles P.O.V.*-

They all left and i was alone with Talia who was saying she was my moms best friend. "Stiles your mom asked me to look over you because she soon would be gone so i agreed... but unfortunately there was a incident... we had a encounter with a nasty which. We killed her but she succeeded to wipe my memory's i got them back but i still couldn't remember you i knew Claudia had a kid but i just couldn't remember... and because i relationship was secret, no one else knew so i could't just ask. I let Robbert know but no one else, i'm sorry Mieczyslaw" I couldn't hold it back anymore, i jumped into her arms and hugged her with all my strainght  and sobbed int her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back, i could tell she was crying too. "I remember you, i think" i chuckled, she did the same.

We walked to the kitchen and received warm smiles from everyone "We got some catching up to do Talia" I told her with a smile on my face "yes we do" she told me. "i'm sorry for snapping on your wife Mr. Hale" i apologized Derek's dad. He smiled at me "call me Rob and its okay don't worry kid" i smiled at him "we should go to bed?" Talia said everybody nodded and i stayed in the living room "i'll sleep here i like to sleep on couches" i said and chuckled "okay, if you need anything go to upstairs there is a name tag for each room so you will know where to find us" i nodded and hugged Talia good night "thank you, by the way" she looked at me confused "that you at least trying now, and not pushing me away because it hurts to think about..." i trailed off and my vision got blurry.. tears. "hey it's okay she asked me to watch out for you and now i'll do it, i keep my promises" she said and smiled at her "good night" we said to eatchther and went to sleep.

a few hours later i woke up at a sound of someone in the kitchen, i took my bat and went quietly in the kitchen and when i saw it was Cora i relaxed "whoa whoa Stiles put that down please" She said and chuckled "sorry" i said and put it down "can't sleep?" i asked her "girl problems" i gave her a 'ooh' look and she chuckled and nodded "okay i guess god night cuz i'm going back to sleep" she said "good night" i said back as she walked up the stairs.

i went back to the couch and got under the blanket and closed my eyes, i was laying like that for 30 minutes and started to doze off and i heard a crash in the kitchen area "Cora?" no answer  'shit' i thought, and grabbed the bat.

Love never looses (boyXboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя