Farts arent worth it

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So when I woke up Shrek was packing his things. I asked him what was he doing. He said," I'm Sorry but I can't live with you nomore u wake me up every night with your farts and I then I can't sleep if I wanna win the poop feast I need to get sleep. I'm moving night with my old friend DONKEY. " I never knew I farted in my sleep. "Well fine idc I will find a new roommate like Joey. " He  got all his things together and left.  I was crying I just lost my best friend. I was telling myself "farts aren't worth it,  farts arent worth it." I didn't know if I even wanted to be in the stupid feast.  Then somebody knocked on my door i yelled who is it. A fimilar voice said, "Joey and Boon and Me Boohun. " I was so happy my farting squad. I quickly got up and ran to the door and opened it. "HIIIIIIIII, and you guys brong taco bell, yes. I haven't seen u guys in a while what's up,  come in. " Then they came in put the taco bell on the couch and asked where shrek was I told them what happened. "I never knew you farted in your sleep. " Boon said.

       I asked boon if he had more of the special stuff he said Yea 20 more I asked if I can have 10 for $90. He said "$80 and the tacos." "Deal." He gave me the 10 and I put them in my butt bank. I really never keep money in there only things I hide from shrek. So I asked them if they would want yo live with me because shrek moved out. They screamed, "Yes!!" "Can you guys help me get ready for the poop feast tomorrow,  I'm not sure if I can get ready by myself." They said sure. So that night we all feel asleep Watching the tv show "You know you got talent when you can shart."

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