Traing time

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"Randy wake It's time to train! " I woke up scared I forgot I had to train. When I got up there was almost 100 boonrittos on my table. I guess I had to eat all of them. "There are 90 boonrittos here, you eat 30 for breakfast 30 for lunch and 30 for dinner. " I had No problem eating 90 but I haven't when poop in 2 days. I could not hold that in if I was also gonna eat the special stuff to.

So I got the boonos and good thing for me they were unwrapped. So I ate like 7 in 8 minutes then I ate the rest in like a hour. I was full, I could not even eat one more or I might shart everywhere That's how bad it was. By the time I got comfortable it was lunch, they gave me the boonos and I had an idea. "How about I blend them up with hot sauce then I could win for sure. "

So I got the 60 tacos that were left and got my big blender Sherk bought me and I put all of them in the blender then dumped all my hot sauce in there. Then blended it for about 5 minutes till it was done. Then got my butt cup it was as big as a butt. Poured it all in the cup. And took a big breath and drank, and drank, and drank, and drank, and drank till it was all gone. Then I passed out.

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